hi everyone
hi there everyone i am just here to introduce myself i am cindy from leominster 31 yrs old with 2 kids ages 10 and 7..i am currently looking into surgery i know i need it to change my life for the better but the more i read about it the more scared i begin to think maybe cause i be going through it all alone.i am the type of person to freak out at any type of surgery lol
but i know doing this surgery will give me a better self esteem and to once be given that chance to look great again and to give my children a more rewarding life and be able to play and do all those fun things with them..also i have diabetes,high blood pressure ,feet are always swollen,arthritis in legs,high cholesterol..so my doc felt surgery is in my best interest,just hate the fear of surgery and something going wrong..
i want nothing more to be happy all around so i know that doing surgery will be the best thing..still have lots to look into but my first appt is next week with the doctor very nervous...anyone here ever have dr randall? for there surgery..sorry this post is so long
Hi Cindy, I don't know Dr. Randall, but I will say that besides the self-esteem issues and feeling and looking great, the benefits of this surgery (saying good-bye to the co-morbidities like diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol) were enough to convince me that this was my only option after trying at several diets, and failing at each of them. I too had those three and today I had my first physical since surgery. I'm off diabetes meds, my pressure is normal (something I hadn't had in years) and my cholesterol is down to 180 from 800!! You are still young and have two young children and it is important that you stay healthy to enjoy them and to be here for them as they grow up. Of course, speak to your doctor and see what the best procedure would be for you. Good luck and hope to hear from you!

thanks for the insight on all of this..its nice to be able to talk to people that are just like me and best of all totally understand..i admit i no longer have friends seems like they were ashamed to go into public with me got very very distant so last yr me and the kids packed up and moved to leominster,i am trying to make friends as best as i can and when i found this board i just knew here i would have that chance......the chance to be heard and understood

Revision on 10/29/12
Ohh... a support group in Medford...that's where I live....where is it? at Lawrence memorial? that would be so convenient!! when are the groups? are they very open to other program wls patients? Thanks!!
Hi Cindy
I know what you are going through.I was in the same boat as you are in now.I weighed 598 lbs at one time and on surgery day dec 1 2003 I weighed 565 lbs.I now weigh 261 lbs and feeling great.My whole life has changed I moved from Worcester Mass to Maryland 14 months ago and started my life over.I had high blood pressure,high cholesterol,swollen feet,took tons of meds and have arthritis.I feel 100 % better,I was also scared of having this surgery but I was more scared of not having it.I will pray for you and I hope it all works out for you.........steve