Pat Brody shelter
It was heart wrenching to give her up. THe worst part was signing the surrender papers. I lost it. The lady at the shelter felt so bad for me. Then when I saw her a month later, she had lost a lot of weight and looked awful. She had a hard time adjusting. She was the only animal most of her life and no other cats at all. The shelter had many cats. It was culture shock! I force fed her and they gave her an IV for fluids. She perked up a little after that, then she was adopted very quickly!
I am sure the previous owner of your dog feels like I do. Forever grateful!! I wish there were more people who got their animals from shelters. There are lots of needy animals out there.
God Bless!

That's great! I remember telling you the Pat Brody shelter was a great place! They really have a good way of matching cats to the perfect human companion. An older cat and an elderly woman is a great fit. I know you miss your cat, but at least you know that know she has someone who will love her for the rest of her life. The cat probably means the world to that woman, and she will be spoiled rotten.
I am so happy for you!
Thanks Carrie. I am still just beaming from the news. I am volunteering this Sunday at the shelter. I will continue to volunteer as long as I can. They were great to me there. I cant thank them enough for helping me. I know she has a great home now. She probably gets ten times as much attention as she did here!