I got my date, I got my date, I got my date!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As you can tell, my approval went thru after one week (thank you, BCBS). I got the call from the doctor this morning and was given my date; August 22nd. I have to say that since I got that call I have been a bundle of nerves. I ran around this afternoon going back and forth to Human Resources. I feel guilty because we are in the middle of processing season at work and I won't be there to help. I still don't have an Angel and would love to have one from now on. I am also worried about money, of course. I will only get paid 60% of my salary. LORD knows that we have plenty of bills just like everyone else. I just pray that GOD will guide my surgeons hand and bring me out of this safe. My boyfriend is also very nervous since he doesn't want me to have the surgery because he is worried for me. Can anyone tell me what is good to bring to the hospital? I am so excited, now I know what all of you who have already gone thru this felt. I will write soon since I have about 3 more appointments to go to before the surgery.
Congrats on your surgery date!!
You will make it through it just fine...I've said this before...the car trip to the hospital is probably more dangerous/risky than the surgery itself!! Just drive their carefully and you will be fine!!
bring earplugs and a room darking eye mask if you want to get any sleep!! You will want to be walk the halls to help you heal quicker and feel better (get gasses moving), so maybe a comfortable pair of slipper or sandals that you can slide on and walk safely in. I'm sure others have more suggestions for you too..but I would say the fewer amount of things to pack the better!
Good luck to you,
I also got my date this week for next month and I know what you mean about the bundle of nerves. Which surgery are you having?
If you are not going to be in the hospital long I have heard people suggest bringing as little as possible. Do bring some chapstick because I guess your lips get pretty dry and they limit your water intake to 1oz an hour the first day. Also I have heard to bring a pillow to brace your stomach with for getting up and down and for the car ride home.
Make sure you have liquid tylenol and all of your first week or two food so you don't have to go shopping - Fruit2O, Crystal light, SF Jello, broth etc...
Good luck!

Congratulations, Jaxx. I am 4 months post-up - I had the gastric by-pass surgery on April 19th at the Faulkner Hospital. I had a mild heart attack last September 2004 at age 51 which required a stent due to a 90% blockage in my right coronary artery.
I am 5' 9", started at 262 pounds and have lost 70 lbs thus far in just 15 weeks. I feel great and have been exercising 4 days per week.
You need to bring very little to the hospital. A robe of some sort for walking in the hallway as well as comfortable slippers. Also, I took advantage of the pain meds so I didn't do nuch reading while I was in the hospital. My surgery was on Tuesday morning at 7:30 a.m. and I went home at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday afternoon. The first few days at home were rough but by the following Monday, my husband went back to work and I was well enough to be home alone. I have been unemployed since last November (I was able to negotiate a 6 month severance package and unemployment compensation) so I have been able to concentrate all my energies on the surgery and losing weight. I am READY to return to work and am actively seeking a new position.
I would be happy to answer any questions you might have......let me know.
Debbie L.
Congratulations~ You are in the BEST hands possible. Dr. Pecquex did my surgery also, and she is GREAT.
Easier said than done, but try not to worry too much before surgery. I think your mindset is 3/4 of your recovery anyways. Go in with a positive attitude and you are going to recover much faster.
As far as what to bring to the hospital, I suggest just your regular toiletries. I wore the hospital gowns which were very easy to deal with.
I've never been an "angel" before, but am willing to do so.
Any questions, please email me.