Couple of Questions for anyone who's had the surgery.
1) How long does the bad breath, and taste last? I hate drinking water now (althogh I do my 48 to 64 a day), because after a few sips it tastes like sal****er. My Doctor said this was due to the Keotan (might not have spelled that right)
2) Has anyone experienced hair loss?
3) Is Soda something you can have like a year from now?
hi Chris! I am 6 months out and I still stuggle to get the water in! I started losing my hair at 3 ish months out. It got really bad and though it has slowed now, I have lost about 1/2 of my hair (no bald spots though). Luckily I had thick hair to begin!! I did the Protien, Biotin, B12 shots, Prenatal Vitamins and the Nioxin shampoo and Conditioner but I think it is inevitable and has to run its' course! Still scary though to see the huge clumps of hair in the drain and brush! I have drank soda on occasion and I get uncomfortable gassiness and feel nauseaus. I LOVED Coke and did not know how to live w/o it, but i have to say now, I barely miss it, it's true!!!!! Some will say soda stretched the pouch, but that's bull. The bottom line is that soda has no nutritional value to it, so why bother putting it into the body especially if it makes you feel queasy (like me). I know plenty of post ops who drink diet soda and have no problem......Good luck.....
michelle from MA

Congrats on your surgery!!! The bad breath and metallic taste come from being in a state of ketosis, meaning that your body is burning its own fat stores for the energy it needs. It's exactly where you want to be. In my case, I'm 9 mo. out, and I still get the taste occasionally. As for the water, you might want to try fruit 2-0, Tea-to-go, or crystal light. (market basket seems to be the least expensive). I've also been experiencing some hair loss, although that will slow down and stop after a while. Fortunately, I was blessed with a VERY thick head of hair.
As for the soda, some are able to tolerate it after a while (sorry, I'm guilty), while others can't. You might find that you are able to eat something one day, but not the next. Just be sure to keep up the water, vitamin levels,and protein and CHEW CHEW CHEW . BTW, when and where did you have your surgery?

Hey Chris,
The bad breath doesn't really last that long. As for the water I totally understand. I am two years post op and I can't stand water. I don't like any of the other crystal lights or fruit 2-o's either. I just try to make it as cold as possible or even put it in the freezer to slu**** up and then I can drink it.
Yes I lost hair but by the 6-9 month mark it stops falling out. Some people I know have even gone from straight to curly hair-= I myself have had the hair that grew back turn white. Rather cool I think
As for soda- DO NOT DRINK IT! IT is carbination and it will strech the stomach pouch. My husband is living proof, he had the surgery done two times . The second time he had distention of the pouch and the surgeon had to tighten it up. He avoids the soda completly now. He admitted that when he drank it he was able to eat more food, because it streched the pouch bigger and more food fit into him. So after two surgeries, three seperate endoscopes, three barium swallows and numerous ultrasounds it is absolutely true that the soda is the cause of his second surgery!!