Need to Find an Angel
Hello Everyone,
My surgery is August 29, 2005 and I have yet to find an angel.
I haven't really pushed it because we get lots of information from posts and so on. I guess I just wish to have a friend going thru the same as me and will understand. Male or Female would be wonderful
I live in Bellingham so if your nearby all the better.. If not that is ok too. My profile has a lot of info about me if you would like to browse that first.
Thank you so much
21 Days and a wake up, til surgery!!

Hi Kim
I am sorry, I had put an update on another post I forgot to put one here too. Dixie Chick offered to be my angel last night. But I am so honored that you offered. I would love to stay in contact with you.. I do know where haverill is. FYI Bellingham is just down 495 exit 18

Revision on 10/29/12
Hi Kimberly.... I am a newton wellesley patient too... it is a great group. Do you go to the support group meetings? They are great. I know you said you already have an angel but I wanted to say hello and wish you luck... I will be there tomorrow for the 0-6 month group!