Need opinions

on 7/30/05 6:26 am - MA
Since I know some of my friends here only read this board I'll post here too. This week I went to a new Dr for an early morning appt and was REALLY excited that I finally was seeing someone I thought was going to get me back on track in terms of all my health issues. It went awesome but THEN I got dizzy in his office. I wasn't sure if they were doing fasting bloods or not so I hadn't eaten since the previous afternoon and I have been on and off dizzy since being so sleep deprived and had been dehydrated some since sleeping in the car in this heat. He ended up admitting me for hydration and I thought some bloodwork AND tests. I was in a hospital for a day getting fluids and drinking even more water but was NOT given any food or protein drinks. I was dizzy once and after getting revived by a nurse and arguing that I didn't need a heart monitor (lost that battle) I decided on my own to drink my 2 - 64oz gatorades that I had in my backpack. I felt better eventually at that point. I had bloodwork before that drink which I assumed would be ok since I was just topped off with electrolytes over the weekend via IV treatments. I was given food on the next day and was released by late in the afternoon. No tests were performed. I guess they felt that there was no need. Now here comes my dilemma. I have been at home dwelling on something and not really sure where to go with this. When in the hospital I overheard 2 nurses talking and truthfully was quite hurt at what I was hearing. I know that I have power when hearing something to let it "hurt" me or not but I guess I am just in the wrong headspace right now. Basically, without getting into too many details, I heard the nurses saying that I shouldn't have been admitted and even that the Dr agreed but that I was admitted as a CYA move by the Dr. Does the Dr think I am a joke? Does he think my taking 2 days off from work was an easy thing to do. OK... I don't really think that but my dilemma is what to think and where to go with these feelings. I didn't see the Dr again while I was there so I can't say I know what his feelings really were/are. I really don't know what the discharging resident really thought. I only know what I heard. Now the discharge papers say to see the Dr in 2 weeks. So is this just another CYA move? Should I even bother going? I really really DO respect this Dr but I am not sure if it's mutual. All I keep doing right now is replaying the conversation that I overheard. I know being sleep deprived and sore is messing with my head and my dizziness and my abilitty to think and all but then again... sometimes what you overhear may be more accurate than what you may be told to your face. I also had an issue that when I was waiting for transport to take me out. After waiting for some time, I decided to wait at the door. One nurse thought I was getting dizzy. I wasn't dizzy, I was just off balance on my leg and back. I explained this to her but she didn't believe me. The resident agreed to walk me out the door and now I don't know if that's because he believed me or just thought I was a waste of space. He walked part way but then made me wait for the chair because of the leg. Any way.... Iam just consfused right now. Any ideas? opinions? words of wisdom? Carolyn
gloria V.
on 7/30/05 7:30 am - Salem, MA
Hi, Nurses can be so cruel, I know it's easier said than done, but try to dismiss it as ignorance. Do go to your follow up, and mention it. I recently had a nurse talk to another nurse outside my room, and reffer to me as the (big one) not my name, not room number, but the big one in rm 201, then the same nurse said to the other, I hope she doesn't brake thCT scan machine, they are very expensive. I was so hurt, I confronted them, and to be honest it really didn't help. If you were that dehydrated and dizzy, the best thing for you was the hospital. Best of luck in the future Gloria
on 7/30/05 7:47 am - MA
Thanks for you reply Gloria. I will try to dismiss the comments but although my head is wondering "although wrong to say where I could hear them, were the comments true in terms of what the Dr is thinking". I do think the hydration was a good thing and it was good to be there (even if I would have preferred being anywhere else) I just wonder what the Dr is thinking. If I had to choose a superpower it would NOT be one that would allow me to fly. I'd rather the power to read minds. Thanks for sharing your story. I at least know it's NOT just me that has stuff like this happen. Carolyn
Norman D.
on 7/31/05 1:04 am - Coastal, NH
Dear Carolyn It is unfortunate that these nurses spoke about you like this. Most of the time, Doctors will admit you if they arent really sure whats going on. They say they want to do tests but they see how things play out. It may be that the hydration helped and you didnt need additional tests. Did you say anything to anyone about what you heard? Dont take these nurses opinions as to what the doctor felt. They dont know what the doctor was thinking or why he did what he did. They just knew they had another patient to take care of. The doctor wasnt "really" using a CYA move because they CANNOT admit someone who doesnt have any need to be admitted. Im sure they need the beds for people. Maybe it was a resident or intern who said something to the nurses and since it is july, they really dont know the big picture yet. You should go back to the doctor to see what the tests showed, or labs showed. You might consider speaking to someone at the hospital who can do something about what was overheard. In like a patient relations department. Im not sure why you are sleeping in your car, but I wonder if there is a better option for you so you dont get so dehydrated. Take Care Norm
on 7/31/05 2:41 am - MA
Thanks for replying Norm, I guess a day and some honest answers from folks sure makes things seem a bit better today. I am still not sure what to think but I am not as edgy as I was yesterday. I didn't say anything to anyone about what I heard other than here where I kept everything non-identifiable. I am NOT looking to cause trouble for folks although I do understand that what I overheard should NOT have been said let alone close enough to me that I could hear it. I do know that the Dr admitted me for dehydration and all and I really REALLY RESPECT this Dr. I realize also that the easiest CYA thing to do (if that was his sole intention) would have been to send me to the ER where he could be covered yet done with me. I had done my homework before going to this Dr. I have since thought that maybe the tests didn't happen because they couldn't be scheduled. I guess why I am able to feel this weird about everything is that I wasn't really told anything upon discharge. I guess I don't really know what the Drs thoughts were or are. Had to checkle about your mentioning it was July. I too have been warned often about the first weeks of July. I honestly have to say that in this case the resident was excellant. There were a couple of issues that arose that he was able to respond to and deal with in a manner that left me receiving excellant care. I was too dang tired at 2:30 am to know about the one who ordered a catheter for a 7:30 am discharge patient. I'll leave my judgement open on that person. Besides can anyone be truely unbiased about someone who orders such a procedure. I'm still not sure what to do but at least I am MUCH more open about returning to see what the Dr says. Well.....more open about considering it. Next week I hopefully will be getting a back brace which will allow me to sleep inside again. WoooooHoooooooooo ! ! ! This will be a WELCOME change and maybe getting proper sleep and eliminating the sleep deprivation issues will help clear my head so I can think like I usually do. I am not usually so indecisive. Although Drs still make me WICKED nervous. Thanks again for the reply. I appreciate all the answers I am receiving including the private ones where some friends are kicking my butt to do the right thing. Thanks, Carolyn
on 7/31/05 9:31 am - Montague, MA
The hospitals in my area always send confidential questionaires after using their facilities. If your hospital sends one to you maybe it would make you feel better to include that conversation you over heard and how it made you feel. It seems like those nurses need a refresher in what compassion and understanding consist of. Some people go into nursing for the money. But most are loving and caring and non judgemental, hopefully this incident doesn't sour you on all medical personelle. Doctors will admit patients if they are not sure what is wrong and in a sense someone could interpret it as CYA, because if you were sent home and it turned out that you died from dehydration, he could be sued, but that is just how it is.....those nurses should never had said that though... take care, Heidi
on 7/31/05 9:41 am - MA
Thanks for the reply Heidi. I am someone who just really wants to deal with mvoing forward so I probably won't address the issues with the nurses. That part is over and I can't undo anything. Further training prob wont change things either. My greater concern was/is not knowing where I stand with the Dr. I am nervous around Drs any way and I just don't know if I should bother to go back. I know the dehydration was real and that's why I needed fluids. I thought the diff between being admitted to a floor versus ER was to get tests run based on other issues. When that didn't happen and I didn't really get a clear idea of where things were going and THEN heard the nurses comments I just wonder if I have blown my last chance at getting things in order. I really think this Dr is GREAT and I hope I hadn't BLOWN it by getting dizzy in his office and all. Still not sure what I am thinking but I am leaning towards remaining open and keeping my eyes on my goal which was dealing with THIS Dr and moving forward with this part of my health. Guess my nervousness with Drs is coming out mixed in with what I overheard. Thanks for your words of encouragement. CArolyn
Angela D.
on 8/3/05 6:48 am - Everett, MA
Dear Carolyn, I work in healthcare and can tell you that the new federal laws (HIPPA) regarding privacy are to be strictly enforced. The fact that two nurses were discussing a patient in an area where others might hear them is absolutely unacceptable. You need to report this incident to the President of the hospital, the Chief of Medicine and the HIPPA officer at the hospital. Good luck..and let me know how you make out. Angela
on 8/3/05 1:11 pm - MA
Hmmmm.... posted here before but the reply isn't here. I'll try again. I too work in the healthcare field and am VERY aware of HIPAA. I just wasn't up to chewing out the nurses because I was reeling from what I had overheard. I am dealing with some medical issues nowand I just don't have the gumption to follow up with the HIPAA compliance folks. I know I should for other patients but to tell the truth it really won't change much. GOOD NEWS ! ! ! ! ! I found out through a VERY reliable source that the Dr is NOT mad and NEVER said anything like what I overheard. I didn't hear from him directly yet but I am at least going to go back and see for myself. I don't have my fears totally abated but I do have hope now at least and THAT is GOOD NEWS ! ! ! ! ! Thanks for your reply and for reminding people about HIPAA. CArolyn
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