Surgery Date 8/30 Just saying hello!
Hi everyone, just dropping by and saying hi as I used this site quite a bit researching, decided to pull the trigger, and after going back and forth with work, the doctor (i think they all take 2 weeks vacation at the beginning of august, when i originally wanted the surgery), we finally settled on August 30th.
I'm fairly confident in my choice, I'm 27, and pretty much healthy besides the weight, cholesterol, Blood pressure, etc are all fine, but for some reason (and no apparent medical reason) the weight just won't come off. Hopefully this will be the kick in the butt I need to change my life for the better.
Its funny it's easier to talk to strangers about this than my friends/family. Nobody at work knows (although they know i'm leaving for a mysterious 'operation' and will be out for a month, I can just imagine what they think), and am still figuring out how to tell the family...
Regardless, i've learned a ton and enjoyed reading everyone's profiles/stories, I'm in the process of documenting my own (see profile). Thanks everyone!
Hi Nick,
First let me say congratulations on your surgery date!!! Its a big step. My surgery date is August 29. Just a day before yours
I am 34 years old and have a some co-morbidities, High Blood Pressure, Sleep Apnea. And Joint pain and such. Anyway my profile has a bit of info about me. I myself Live in Bellingham, probably about an hour from you. If you ever need to chat. Look me up. Looks like we will be at the same level of this great journey we are about to embark on.
God Bless and Good luck

Welcome, and congrats on your upcoming date!
It's not long now! Best of luck...