Surgery date 7/25

on 7/19/05 4:19 am - Arlington, MA
Going for my last visit with my surgeon tomorrow. After that the next time I will be in the OR. Still freaked, but the board has helped a lot. Hoping all goes well. My goal is to get out of the hospital ASAP. My surgery is in the morning, my goal is to be doing lapse that night. Some question I have, if anyone can help me out: In the hospital you can still use the bathroom and all that right? How much exercise can you do after the surgery? Is vomiting really that often after the surgery? If so for how long? Has anyone had issues after surgery? (e.g. stricting, or bowel problems?) What are foods that tend to make you sick?
Kate Z
on 7/19/05 7:43 am - MA
Hi Christopher, I didn't look at the type of surgery you are going to have... A lot would depend on that... 1) Yes you can use the bathroom 2) they recommend that you get up as soon as you feel able. (I did soo many laps that they sent me home to get me out from under foot.) 3) vomiting after WLS is not recommended... OUCH... but sometimes the meds or the anestisia cause your new and improved pouch to rebel... Once I got off the Morphine (24 hours after surgery) I didn't feel like yacking anymore. No foods have made me dump (although both pineapple and brussell sprouts caused a near miss). Again, everyone is different on their recovery. Add new foods slowly (like you would for a baby) 4) complications like stricting or problems with BM are fairly common. I have seen alot of posts about them, but am lucky to say I'm ok (so far). I'm 2 months post-op and would do this again without a second thought. Best of Luck... Kate Z 313/???/125
on 7/19/05 12:57 pm - Worcester, MA
Hi Christopher - I had a catheter for at least the first 24 hours. Standard at the hospital I used, but after that it was trips to the bathroom for me, which was good. Getting up to walk as soon as possible after you wake up from the surgery, and continuing to walk as much as possible, were highly recommended to me. I have sleep apnea and had to spend the first night in the recovery room, and was doing laps of the recovery room. It sucked, but it was worth it. I started walking outside right after I got home from the hospital. Only a few hundred yards at first, but worked my way up to 2 miles in about a week and a half. I joined the gym at 6 weeks out and go 5-6 days a week for at least an hour at a time. As for vomiting, everyone is very different. I didn't vomit until I got to truly solid food. I think I vomited first on chicken, then tuna. I continue to vomit a couple times a week, almost always on meats. Occasionally a bread product will get me, too, but mostly it's meats. I think that's the common culprit with RNYers after surgery. Meat can be hard to deal with. I'm 4 months out now (boy time flies!) and still have trouble with meat. Please post any other questions you have, or email me if you like. And good luck to you with the surgery! Mary Ellen lap rny 3/16/05 no idea what I weigh now cuz I chucked the #%*&# scale.
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