I hate this
I hate that this board is supposed to be for MA people, and yet almost every post lately seems to be a global post by someone with a quote of the day or a request for something. I'm sick of wading through the crap to find out who is from MA and posting something of interest, and all the other stuff on here. I wrote to OH about it, and was told anyone is entitled to post anywhere they want. Fine, but why allow people to clog up the boards with all this global crap? Why not have a separate board, or make the Quote of the Day person use the main board?
Sorry, just venting cuz this stuff ****** me off today.
Mary Ellen
Hello Stella,
I agree. I am fairly new to the site. Only about a month. But I came to this board hoping to find someone close.. Maybe find an angel, Or friend. But When I first came I don't think I saw but a handful of people from MA and most from all over. I'm thinkin, "Ok did I hit the wrong button?" lol.
Well anyway. I am a new profile to read so have fun LOL
Have a great day

I should know this, but...
Do these people have to post these individually by state, or is it a one shot deal to get it on all the boards?
I think OH should restrict global posting. It's the equivalent of Spam. This doesn't violate "terms of service". I do believe in Freedom of Speech, but please have something interesting to say....
Enough *****ing for the day.... Well maybe
Kate Z

Oh I totally agree...
I come here everyday... hoping to gain advice... see a new profile that I have not read... read another interesting story of hope ... and I have been so bummed lately. I log in everyday... and go straight to the MA board and nothing.... Just a bunch of quote of the day crap and other stuff....
I'm fairly new here, in fact I just logged in about a month ago, but this has quickly become an instant support group and wealth of knowledge. I say we take back our board!!!!
We start posting questions... stories... updates about yourself...
As for me... I'm seeing the surgeon tomorrow for the first time. I have my other appointments all with in the next three weeks, so I'm hoping to get approved and scheduled soon....
So after I meet with the surgeon tomorrow... I will post on how it went....
I stopped reading it because of that.
Perhaps if we post with "MODERATOR" in the title --- and keep doing it?
Or, make our own board somewhere out there? Someone will take note. These boards are really bass ackwards, anyway.