This is the last time I will post about this. I am taking my cat to the Pat Brody cat shelter in Lunenburg MA on Tuesday.
If anyone is interested in taking her in, PLEASE CONTACT ME. I would rather see her go to a home than a shelter. I will be volunteering once a month there so I can see her.
If anyone can help me I would appreciate it She does not like kids, but is definatley a snuggle bug with adults.
I love her so much and this is breaking my heart.
HI! THanks for answering me!
My husband has developed allergies and now my 3 yo daughter is showing the signs. If it was just my husband, he could live with it. I dont think its fair for my daughter.
My kitty is Jasmine. She is declawed and spayed. We got her when she was 4 weeks old and have had her 10 years!!!
THis is truly breaking my heart and I can hardley look at her without crying. She is curled up on my shoes right now.
If you can help I would be so greatfull!!
Hi Chris. my surgery twin!! Sorry to hear about your cat.
I too had to find a new home for my pooch just this past week. Moving to Florida and they're not allowing pets. Luckily one of my best friends took my dog. I truly hope you can find a loving home for your cat. It truly is heart breaking.

HI Chris.. sorry I didn't get to see you reply sooner!! I don't know what's going on with OH's email server. Anyway.... moving to Florida because my family is moving too. I don't want to stay in MA alone. I am also tired of the long winters here... while the seasons are nice, I can't deal with snow. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY and have lived here in MA for five years. Now that I'm "thinner" I can tolerate the heat better than I used to!!
Yeah, hurricanes are scary, but I lived in Puerto Rico for almost four years, where it's even hotter and of course, the hurricane**** it too. I've experienced many hurricanes in my days. I just pray to God that nothing bad happens. Keeping the faith you know? So did you find a home for your kitty?