This is not for me, because I am a B-cup....
My friend had a reduction in Nov 2004 and is very unsatisfied. Her boobs are 2 different sizes and she has a recurring cyst that fills up and then is where she drained after surgery. The guy who did the reduction said he will fix her this Nov. BUT she would like to know if there are any really good plastic surgeons out there who would do a better job.
We ar ein NH and on the Mass border.
SO if anyone has a great PS to recommend please email me!
I got a breast reduction in 2003 from Dr. Yo who is on Cape Cod. He is kinda renown on Cape Cod so the wait may be a bit longer than other surgeons.. but it's 100% worth it!! He is an absolute prefectionist and did an amazing job. To be frank.. I never even dreamt that I could have such perfect boobs. Cape Cod may be a long way.. but this doctor is really worth it!! they handled all my insurance infrormation and everything. 508-771-8967 is the number.. in case you are interested.
Good Luck