Hospitality Professionals?
Is there anyone out there that is in the industry that is or has gone through the program? I have spent the last 4 hours on this site and find nothing relating to or with people from the same line of work. It does not surprise me, because for the last 22 months of waiting I have been unsuccessful in finding anyone going through the same trails and stresses as myself. I have even tried contacting Al Roker from the TODAY show for some advice. No luck there either. So if there is anyone that cooks professionally and has some insight because feel free to comment. 3 days and counting! The topics I am worrying about:
How will I be able to taste food before it is served? Sometimes while making a soup, I taste it 10 times before I am happy with it. 10 spoon fulls of a soup will be 5 meals.
Will I have to taste and spit, like wine?
How do I maintain quality without tasting? its impossible
Will this be my down fall, to weight lose?
Will I still be able to cook after surgury?
thanks for listening,
While cooking the first 3 months is something of a challenge - tasting and such - it gets MUCH easier. I'm almost 3 years postop and eat like a normal thin person eats. I can taste while creating without issue. Also the first 3 months thing just taste off...not sure why, but many things taste awful but the further out you get, the more your tastebuds seem to come back
HTH, Tooter