Hi all......some questions
Hi everyone,
First, let me say that all of you are so great and I have gotten a lot of great information and I do feel well-prepared and very excited about my surgery. I am thrilled with the surgeon I chose (thanks Joan F
), but there are a few things that I am wondering about.
First, what is this pre-op appointment about? Apparently it is quite long, but what goes on there? I had already had a physical and blood work and everything, so I am nervous that this is something that could become a potential "deal-breaker." I have heard about a painful blood test drawn from the wrist. Did anyone have that?
Second, I got a nice e-mail from someone a few weeks ago, but I was reading it at work, and responded and typed my response, and I think it just disappeared and I am not sure if she got it. Marathon Mom? I can't find the name to respons and acoont find the e-mail. I was not being rude and really appreciated the e-mail, but can't write back! I am osrry!
Again, thanks to all of you. You are all very inspirational.

Also, how much walking around were you allowed to do in the hospital? I am very prone to cabin fever and cannot even stay in my own comfy apartment for 6 hours. I always think of something I need in the middle of the night so I can get out for a few minutes. I get stir crazy very quickly. The night of my last C-Section I left the hospital and walked a block to the Store 24 out of extreme boredom and then hung out in front of the ER talking to people because I could not stand the thought of sitting in that bed all day and night.
Thanks again.
HI Carrie, Marathon Mom is my best friend from College. I'll have her email you.
THe PreOp appt goes over any last questions you might have. If you have family that has questions they are welcome/invited to attend. Then the doc sends you downstairs to the preop surgical area(2nd floor) and they take blood and will give you any necessary tests for surgery. If you need a cardiogram etc, or if there were other issues for surgery(we all are different). Then they send you on your way. I don't remember the blood from your wrist. I don't look at them taking blood --or giving me a fill--no need for me to see this!!! LOL
If there is anything up with your blood they call--perhaps a raised white blood cell count might indicate an infection brewing. So they would either re-test or give antibiotics. Then they use these blood tests to measure against the blood tests after surgery. For example-my potassium was borderline preop-but the day after surgery it dropped into the low zone.
Also, they consider the lap band as elective surgery--so they want to make sure every candidate is fit as possible for the anesthesia.
I think this covers the preop day. For me it was long-I must have waited about 2 hours at Lautz' office and 1 3/4 hrs in the preop. Not everyone has it that bad. Murphy's law for me that day!
Feel free to email any questions I can answer for you. This band is the best thing I ever did for myself!
I am glad to hear you are happy with your decision. I know I am going to be. I have been so excited, lately I have been losing weight because I just don't want to eat. I am really just doing it out of habit, because I feel like I have to. Of course, I know this is because my surgery is coming up and I would be back to my bad ways soon enought.
When I saw Dr. Lautz, he was very encouraging and said, basically, yes, I will lose weight, and I am not going to be the one person this fails for. He said that, barring an anatomical problem, everyone loses weight, which makes sense. How could you not? I can go to Outback now and get the big prime rib, mashed potatoes, onion soup and I know I won't be able to eat that after. Also, he said that, although they quote an average loss of 70% of your excess body weight, many lose more, and there is no reason to think that I may not end up "thin." I cannot imagine that word applying to me. I was 175 when I was 11 years old. I went right from kids size 16 1/2 (they used to call it "pretty plus") to a women's 18, never got to wear the cute junior clothes, and when I was a teenager, they didn't have the nice clothes for the big girls.
So, I am so excited, as you can probably tell, and boring my boyfriend to tears showing him pictures of people who lost weight and telling him all the success stories. I even convinced him that I am going to spend less money after my surgery since I will be home for a while and not eating all the expensive steaks. Of course, this is not true, since I plan on spending the money I am saving on other stuff. LOL.
Thanks again, everyone, for all the answers to all of my silly questions. I wish, now, taht I could just go to sleep and wake up on August 2.
Thanks Kimberly,
You look great. I hope I can achieve similar success. I am so excited. I get more excited every day. I am not scared of surgery at all, and I know I should be, at least a little, but I just know everything is going to go well. The only thing I am scared of is the pre-op, because I keep having dreams where I have an EKG and they tell me that I have had a heart attack and can't do the surgery, or my blood count is off, or something like that. At first, I had no support, but now, everyone is being so supportive. Everyone at work knows now and they have all been great, my family is OK with it, and my boyfreind is coming around. I just hope one of them comes to visit me so I don't look like the pathetic loser with no friends in the hospital.
Thanks again,

Hi Carrie
I just read your profile and isn't it funny once you decide to do something for yourself how people try to talk you out of it?They are use to us being big and they can't see the pain we face every day.I am so happy that I had wls and I know I wouldn't be here if I didn't have it.I had wls on Dec 1 2003 my starting weight was 565 (my highest weight was 598)today I weigh 287 and I feel great,life has changed for me in so many ways.I have lost some friends but they wernt friends after all because they don't like the me I have become.I am so happy for you,we have had hard lives and no one else can understand that unless they have been there.Good luck Carrie and keep me updated...........steve c