Monica's 6 month at Mercy Medical Weight Management appointment
June 15, 2005
Today I had my 6 month check up with the Comprehensive Weight Management doctors. I had a great visit with everyone, Candace, Ann, Maggie, & Barb. I got to say hi to Dr.Keroak and give him a hug. I even visited with other patients. The staff tell me that I am one of the most successful WLS patients there and that I am considered their mascot. Hurrah. Wow is it different going to this group of health professionals. They get so excited for their patients accomplishments. I basked in the praises for my 90 lb loss. Life is good. Candace the NP and I discussed my lab results. My pre-albumin is again low and Candace said that I need to add more protein to my diet and she suggested that I up my protein shake to 3 a day to insure that I am getting what my body needs. She explained that to ward off problems 1 -2 years down the road with anemia and muscle loss we WLS patients need to sustain a good intake of protein daily.
We discussed my memory loss and my fears concerning this. She said that even though my B12 and folate labs were normal, I could begin taking extra B12 and this can help with cognitive memory. Hey I can use all the help I can in that department so I will try the Vitamist B12 spray. I know that Liz uses these and I like the fact that these are absorbed right into the blood stream via the mouths mucosa so it bypasses the stomach. Candace also said that I should have another bone scan, all menopausal or women over 50 should have this test done every 3 years. I got an appointment for June 30th, great. I purchased 3 more bottles of Optisource Vitamins and I got a book, "Dr.Shapiro's Picture Perfect Weight Loss, A visual program for permanent weight loss." This book looks very good with many ideas on good food choices using pictures to show you what you can eat compared to what you can eat with healthy food choices. Interesting stuff!! Candace and I talked about plateaus and again she explained that WLS should not be a slippery slide straight down the hill journey. The journey should be thought of as occurring in steps, downward steps, followed by staging areas where the body catches up with the melting pounds. Our bodies need to adjust to the melting and while the scale may not move for weeks and weeks the skin, muscles, inches are being rearranged and are melting off. Since I have been stuck at 240 for so long I needed to hear this, I knew it but needed that verbal validation. Everyone at the medical office told me that my journey has been really wonderful and that it is evident that I am following the rules, getting in my water, and exercising. I go back in 3 more months and have been asked to attend some of the support group meetings. I explained that I get so much support each day from the People of the Over Fifty Forum, the December 04 crew, and sometimes the Massachusetts group on I really talked a lot about and how this website has helped me, not only in making my WLS decision, but before and after surgery. Talking, sharing, exploring with those individuals who have "Walked the same earth, done the same things, experienced the surgery", these have become focused necessary people in my life. I have learned more information that applies to me and my life from the people on the boards than any of the professional people I have met with other than those professionals at the Weight Management Group. I am thankful everyday for my WLS and for So again I can say that life is good for me. I am very happy. I am emerging into the women I had always hoped I could be. People tell me I glow. I do inside and out. Movement is less painful, I feel pretty, I feel confident, I am Monica, empowered and enjoying life. Hurrah for me and all those who have been brave enough to take back their lives.
Monica age 57
330/240/1??............healthier, happier, sexier, life is great!