8 days post op and doing GREAT
I'd like to thank everyone for their support.
I had a very easy time during surgery. My husband said I was in recovery within 3 hours. B&W is a good hospital. Pretty out of it on Monday and Tuesday. Turns out that I don't tolerate Morphine and it made me nauseous
. Throwing after bypass surgery isn't my favorite experience. Once they stopped the pain meds, I was raring to get out... They wouldn't let me go on Wednesday
. I did so many laps, that they let me go on Thursday morning just to get me out from underfoot. Took it easy at home on Thursday. Snuck into work on Friday. Ended up working a few hours. So needless to say, things are going well.
I do have some questions if you don't mind....
1) How on earth do you get the AntiGall crap down?
I've only taken 3 doses since I've been out of the hospital. IT's GROSS!! I can't do it...
2) How great is it when you can have something diced?
I've been very good for one week before surgery and plan on sticking strictly to the stages. But I'm fantasizing about a salad :crasy:
3) Every once in a while, I forget and take a gulp of drink. Is that Pinch/Pressure feeling the same as "fullness"?
4) The incision in my navel is extrememly colorful. Is it normal to have bruising/subdural bleeding a couple of inches below the incision?
5) How do you handle maintaining your schedule when you are at work?... I usually know how long meetings are and can bring my drinks, but lots of times, half hour meetings turn into an hour or two. Do you just call a break? or excuse yourself? I know my stomach makes lots of noise when I fall behind schedule....
I'm sure I'll think of more questions as time goes by...
Thanks again...
Kate Z
On the losing side

Kate - Hi from a neighbor in Marshfield! You sound like you are doing great - good for you!
1.) I didn't have to drink the AntiGall, I assuimg that is gall bladder medication. I had mine out long ago.
2.) It is great to feel that first piece of solid food. I was in heaven. I know now I could never do a liquid diet. I was so sick of broth I wanted to scream. I did however feel very full very quick but that passes as time goes by.
3.) I do the same even now 6 months out. I don't think it is the same, I may be wrong. I think it is because your stomach is not used to large gulps or portions. I can eat enough but my bites are slower & smaller.
4.)Bruising - you betcha! I ahd lap and had lots of bruising, especially where they did most of the tugging on my left side. I am not sure how much subdural bleeding would be normal, you may want to talk to Dr.
5.) I bought a small carry lunch cooler for liquids. I also carry MetRx bars. They are good filling, lots of protein and not very intrusive. I have said "You will have to excuse me once in awhile - I just had surgery". Most people won't ask for details, sometimes I will be specific. Sometimes I just say it was stomach surgery and drop it.
You are gonna do great! I am 6mons out and down 109 from surgery /137 in all, it wasn't hard at all.
I also joined teh Hanover Y - it is gourgeous - hope to see you there. I am the still chubby chick trying my best to run - LOL!
Kate--You are clearly an A type personality!
I had lap band--but my doc (Lautz) said salads weren't to be the initial foods (after 2wks liqds,2 wks mushies) He said they are still too rough--so I would imagine this would go for RNYs also.
My girlfriend had the gallstone medicine and she hated it too. SHe put it in jello.
As far as work and the water--This is the time to put Yourself FIRST. Sometimes we end up in the bariatric department because we haven't been first in work, or in family. Now is the time to move to your place of first.
If you need a refill of water, I would simply excuse myself and return as soon as possible.
If you were pregnant and needed to use the facilities--you would do this. Put yourself first--and let yourself out to get the water.
There are other instances after the surgery where you need to be assertive and put yourself first. Start this today!
Best to you in your recovery--Don't over-do it!