Back from Cruisin'
Hi everyone! I just came back from 8 glorious days cruising the Carribean with Richard Simmons! We exercised twice every day, had special spa menus available to us in the dining room and saw some of the most beautiful beaches in the world! Made a couple of food choice mistakes (4 nachos in San Juan and barfed the whole way back to the ship)but did not overdo. So tired from exercise and motivaitonal meetings all day that there never was the temptation of the midnight buffet! Although Richard is not particularly supportive of WLS, he does not judge people for it and there were several people there who are WLS success stories. I went on this cruise because it has been a dream of mine for the past 10 years. I got to meet my first weight loss cyberbuddy, a woman from Florida who has been an e-mail pal but we met in person for the first time! She was just as nice as I thought she would be! Exercising like this everyday I hope has given me a jump start on a new more active way of life. I haven't lost any weight however
but it could be hormonal! and I didn't gain any weight either. It's going to take a while for me to catch up on all that's been posted! Hope you are all well and having a good Memorial Day with some much welcomed sunshine-I know it's been raining a lot here!