anyone who has had surgery with Dr. Kuhn?
I am scheduled for surgery June 7th. I have a few questions and there are no more meetings scheduled that I will be able to attend and I don't want to call the doctors office.... One question is about pre-op prep, the only instructions that I have are not to eat or drink after midnight...but are there any restrictions on types of food to eat the day before...and I've read other peoples bios that said they had to do enemas and liquid diets prior to surgery. Another question I have is after having laparscopic surgery how long is it before you can take a bath in a tub or swim? (am I getting ahead of myself a little?? LOL...I ask this because we are getting a hot tub the week after my surgery and summer is coming and I would like to be able to swim in my pool) Oh by the way...I am sooo nervous!! I have been trying to find a source of protein supplement any suggestions of things you can buy locally (not send away for). thank you in advance for any advice.
i HAVE HAD Dr K with Munchi ...he is very nice! Our Doc dont do any of those prep things....I had my" last supper" the day before lol. I am not sure on when you can "swim" but I would think it wouldnt be long before you could hot depends alot on you and other medical issues. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO CALL! You are getting way ahead...chillax hun. It realy wont be as tuff as ya think! Ditch the drinks and protien crap! Its very $$$$. I did that but It was all nasty. What you like now you prolly wont like after sugery, your taste will change alot. I will be praying for you for a fast recovery. I hope we can meet at a meeting. I am down about 72# I feel great. The most important thing right after you get home is water and movement.....oh and yes the bowels too! hehe! You will be on liquids the first 2 weeks or untill you first DR visit in which thay will advise you What you should be eating. Good luck and see you on the other side! Hugs... KIM
Thank you Kimberly's for your responses and encouragement..
I am scheduled today for the last of my pre-op appointments and I am feeling very anxious. I can't believe how nervous I am becoming. I am swinging back and forth with a wide range of emotions...going from saddness and doubting..(what if I die, what about my kids, am I being selfish because the only co-morbitity at this point I have is sleep apnea, did I try hard enough to lose it on my own?) I even typed a letter to my kids "just in case", oh boy did I cry while doing that!. To excitement and longing for the new me I am to become!! I really don't care about the food thing (at this point anyway), I just want to live and not have severe complications from this-like I read about on others profiles... This sucks that I have to go another week and 1/2 with these feelings/worries...this is exactly how I felt before the first time that I rode on a airplane, the day before I was a wreck and the day of the flight I was totally okay.......I'm just a nervous Nelly!!
sorry for babbling,

Heidi, I had Dr.Faillo for surgery and had it at Mercy Hospital. Everything went wonderfully and I was and still am taken care of by him and the Mercy Comprehensive Weight Management Doctors.
I am 57, had my surgery on 12/06/04. I have had 9 other surgeries and this was the easiest, least painful surgery for me. Dr.Faillo made 5 tiny tiny incisions and I could not believe that the surgery actually took place. I went into the operating room with calmness and peace in my heart, soul, and mind. I knew that I was doing the best thing for me so I could live my life instead of being the prisoner I was trapped in my obese body. You must believe in yourself, your decision, and your surgeon and his staff. You are paying for these professionals to take care of you. So what if you have to call the office 12,000 times, you get your questions answsered and you be at peace with the answers. We forget that we are buying their expertise.
My recovery has been easy. I have lost 88 pounds, my lab work is great, and I have successfully TAKEN BACK MY LIFE.
Can you see yourself living without this surgery? Can you play with your children, do whatever you want in life with your body, breath ok, sleep ok, not get diabetes, hypertension, elevated lipids, heart problems, arthritis and joint pain without this surgery. If you can answer these questions with a yes,than you don't need the surgery, but if you answered no, than women you need the surgery and you are making the best choice for you, your children, and your husband.
age 57
330/242/1??............healthier, happier, sexier, living life after 45 years as a fat, fat, morbidly obese person.