Did I just dump?
I had regular mayo with my turkey for lunch, and I knew I was eating too much. Sure enough, about 10-15 minutes later, I got very dizzy, light-headed and sweaty, and I barfed. Just bile, but barf nonetheless.
That's it for me and regular mayo!! I've had it before with no reaction, but I knew I was eating too much of it.
I would say YEP. Mayo is tough so much fat & oil. I cannot touch that or butter or Ranch dressing, 3 of my big downfalls. I have found flavored olive oils are much better and in small doses are fine.
It does get better with time, 6 months out and I can now add some things that made me "dump" earlier back in.
Good Luck!
Dear Linda,
So you're about 5 weeks post-op? CONGRATS!!
Did your surgeon/ program go over HOW we're supposed to eat, in addition to WHAT we're supposed to eat?
The idea is to take smallllll bites and CHEW each bite until it is puree'd in your mouth before swallowing it.
And, yup - you guessed it, eating mayo by the forkfull will make you barf!
Use the next 11 months to transform your emotions, behaviors & attitudes toward food, eating, exercise, body image & the future life you want to live. That way, as your body shrinks down to a normal size, you'll be prepared to adjust to it.
All the best!
RNY 2/13/03 @ size 3X
Today @ size 8.
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