Count Down
13 days to go... This is starting to sink in... I pray that everything comes out ok with the surgery. My husband is afraid that I'll be a statistic. I tell him that I'm tough and I have too much to live for (Him & my children). I'm doing this for his future as well as mine... At this rate/weight I'll end up being a burden on my family.
Haven't told my Mother yet.... Don't think I will... (Funny that I'm 44 and still have "Mother issues")... Probably won't update until I'm post-op...
Wish me luck...

told my mom post op...42!!! just didnt need to hear her opinion on this..I thought it out and know all the pros and cons but she was just not on my list for reasoning..she is happy I did it and understood my privacy on this matter...good luck...lap band -22 pounds since 4/18 ps now my mom calls EVERYDAY>..what did you eat today? how do you feel? never stops....marathon momma

hey kate,
i am 44 yrs old and i didnt tell my mom until i was 3 weeks post op.
didnt want to worry her. when i finally did tell her she was relieved that it was all over with and was kind of glad i didnt tell her till it was over.
so i think alot of us have "mother issues" no matter what our ages are.
best of luck with your surgery you will be in my prayers.
Take heart, I am 60 and I still have mother issues. Some things never change. However, my sister broke her in when she had her surgery this past August, so when I decided to do the surgery, it was much easier to tell her and she took it really well.
I had the surgery 5 weeks ago and I feel it is on the top five list of the best things I could have done for myself!!! My surgery was like rolling off a log and my recovery even easier. I am now back to work and doing great.
I wish you all the best with your surgery and know that my prayers and thoughts will be with you!!!
See you on the losing side!!!
Holly O.

I am 56 and didn't tell my mother until 2 months before surgery. She lives in an in-law apartment attached to my house, so it was pretty hard to wait until post-surgery. She didn't try to talk me out of it, but said more than once that she wished I wouldn't do it. Now she is one of my biggest supporters. Always checking to make sure I'm OK. Telling me she thinks I ate that egg a little to fast (she was right - my pouch let me know it). All-in-all, she's been great.
Best of luck to you, Kate. You will be fine, and soon you will know what we post-ops do: Life is great.