Anything to help with hair loss?

on 4/26/05 10:21 am - west wareham, MA
Does anyone have any ideas of what to do pre-op for hair loss? I have heard that alot of people have hair loss post-op and my hair is already thin. I thought that maybe there was some kind of vitamin or something that I could start taking now. My surgery will be this summer. Any Ideas would be greatly appreciated. THANKS,Jolene
Marian K.
on 4/26/05 10:58 am - Bedford, MA
One of the nuitritionists at Beth Israel told me that making sure you have sufficient essential oils is key to avoiding/minimizing hair loss. I am fortunate to have relatively thick hair, but I will say that after I began to take 2 tablespoons a day of canola oil, my fingernails began to grow again! The same nuitritionist also recommended Enova oil, which is a mix of canola and some other oils. I plan to switch to that soon. I just add the canola oil to my instant breakfast (along with liquid fiber because I have constipation problems), extra protein, and powdered calcium. I know it's hard to believe, but in the end, it still just tastes like instant breakfast! I just have to make sure to shake it up with half the milk (lactaid skim), then add the rest of the milk. Of course, I take chewable vitamins and B12, too -- but I think the oil is the key. Hope this helps! Good luck!
Monica B.
on 4/27/05 2:49 am - Emery, SD
If you read my recent post, you know that I am 4 months out and am recovering from a hair loss episode that did frighten me. My hair dresser suggested and I followed her advice to cut my shoulder length hair short and layered. This releaved pressure on the root. I use really good moisture treatments on my head and scalp once a week and daily. I have a lot of new growth. My sister-in-law had the surgery last March 2004. She has fine think hair and she worried about this before hand too. She used and continues to use Rograin for women. She swears by this. I make sure that I take my vitamins and get enough good absorbable protein each day. I try not to wash my hair daily, I do not bru**** only use my fingers to style and massage my scalp. I am not frightened by the loss because I see that it is slowing down and that new hair is growing back in. I do not have any regrets that I had this surgery and decided to take back my life. No longer a prisoner of the fat body. Monica 12/06/04 330/254/1?? Hurrah for us all!
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