I have a date.
I am having laproscopic gastric bypass sugery on April 27, 2005. I am very excited. I am not nervous at all. Is this normal? Usually, I get nervous about everything. I just want to say Thank You to all the people that have posted messages. You all have made me feel comfortable about the surgery and have answered all the questions I was going to ask. It is great being on a site that has others that have gone through what you are going to go thru. Thanks for listening.

Hello michelle,
Good luck on your journey. I will hopefully be having mine on the 25th. so we can probably hook up since we are only a few miles away from each other. Feel free to write me. My hubby has already been through the process he is now over a year post op so May God Bless you as you enter anoter journey in life. To all of us. WlS sista sonia
Sonia: I am so glad there is someone close by that has and is going though the same thing as me. I would love to hook up with you and talk to you either before or after. What process did your husband have? What process are you having? I also wish you the best of luck on your surgery. Keep in touch and it was wonderful hearing from you. Life is great, isn't it?
Michele (One L not 2L's) LOL