So I am one of those individauls who still experience GERD after WLS. My gastroenterologist made me realize before this surgery that I needed to cut out caffeine, loose some weight, not eat after 8PM, stay away from fatty, spicey foods, loose some weight, take the special perscription medication, and loose some weight and the GERD would stop creeping up my esophagus and burn my vocal cords and throat. So I left the hospital with no GERD medication and was doing very fine for about 6 weeks when I began experiencing indigestion again. Since I could no longer take the time release gogunga pill any more I was put on a small pill. After 2 weeks I told the doctor my GERD was still a happening everyday. The doctor put me on Nexium and it is finally working. I went to see and ENT so he could take a look into my throat and make sure that nothing else bad was going on to make me so hoarse and clearing my throat all day long. This ENT said the throat looks good. No bad polys or other stuff going on. (Hurrah)
He suggested I stay on the Nexium for 12 weeks and then try to step down to another medication. I am very happy that I voiced (HA HA) my concerns and followed through with checking this out. I have noticed an improvement, slowly, but getting better. I can talk all day and the voice does not disappear by 4PM. Lucky people all around me can now know that I am talkable and the mouth will be flapping on.
Well I am going on about this because even through we might be told one thing by a medical provider, we are all individuals and we do not fit one super mold. Listen to your body, let it tell you when something might be wrong and believe in yourself.