Gallbladder removal?
i had sludge in mine and a lot of people have trouble after with it because of the rapid weight loss. They took mine "just in case" because they didn't want to go back in for it a few months later. Gallbladder pain is the worst. The 2 times it flared up I just wanted to die. They did it after they did the bypass and I had it laperscopically(woohoo) I have 6 tiny scars from the entire procedure. If they suggest it there must be a reason. I hope all goes well with you.

Most surgeons require an ultrasound of the gall bladder as part of pre-op testing for the reasons mentioned in the previous post. The decision is very individualized based on the person having the surgery and the surgeon. I think you will find this for most questions about this surgery. Although there are some things that are fairly routine, everything depends on your own individual medical history and what the process is for the hospital and surgeon that you choose. Good luck!
I would say if they want to take it out then just let them. It will be alot easier on you. I had to have mine removed a few months after my bypass. If I would of known I was going to need my gall bladder taking out I would of had them take it out when they did my bypass. And yes they can do both surgeries together as Lap. They say that having to have your gall bladder removed after surgery is common, So like I said if they want to take it out with your bypass go ahead and let them, save yourself the pain of gallstones after! Trust me!
I had to have a GB ultra sound before WLS. Mine was negative at the time. It was my understanding that if you had open WLS that the gall bladder would be taken out with the other procedure. If the surgeon did lap and your GB ultra sound was negative that it wouldn't be taken out. I'm now 15 months post op (had wonderful weight loss results) and a GB ultra sound last week showed multiple small gallstones. (This, I expected because I know it's common after WLS surgery). I will have an endoscopy (3/16) just to make sure that there is no stricture in addition to the gall bladder issue. Then, I guess I will have the GB out laprascopically. It's a simple procedure these days -- especially if the stones are small. Until then I know I must avoid all spices and dense protein sources such as beef and chicken which are the things that set off my GB attacks. My protein now will be fish and dairy.