why a liquid diet before surgery?
Hi Karen-
I had Dr.Lautz,too.
The reason is that a low calorie, liquid diet will reduce the size of the liver. They are working right below the liver and use an instrument to lift it up. If the liver is smaller-they have more room to work.
I also think the reason is to "get you" off of food. After about 10 days of the liquid diet--I was mentally beat about food. It makes it easier for the post op--since you are used to "no food".
Emotionaly I looked at it like this--I have 42 years of eating what I wanted--a liquid diet for 4 weeks was a small exchange for a new life!
I hope all goes well--I'm sure it will!
Joan F.
A liquid diet in itself is very hard, it really takes some mental determination. Since you rbody is used ot eating strickly food, it will go through a food tixification process. You might get the sweats, and even get agressive towards others, but if you stick by it, it can work. Normally a liquid diet is a 500-850 daily caloric intake. I know someone who lost 100 pounds on liquid, but she was beyond determined. So good luck and let me know how the liquid diet worked out for you.