View from the other side
Hi everyone - left the hospital on Saturday and headed to my own home today after staying at a friend's for a few days -feeling pretty good as long as I stay on time with my pain meds - no unexpected surprises except that I got the most wonderful care at Tobey Hospital - all the staff is tuned into bariatric patients and are very sensitive to our special needs - I never had to ask for anything. They were doing it for me before I asked for it. Dr. Kruger stopped in several times during my stay as well as the other members of his team. His program gets 2 thumbs WAY up from me.
thanks to you all for your many prayers and good wishes - it means so much - I've had so much support in my journey that it is humbling.
off to snuggle my neglected kitty cats and catch up on my reading - take care all
Hi Pat,
Glad to hear you're doing well. It was tough seeing you in the hospital with the hiccups. I couldn't imagine that discomfort. I'm doing well. I went home on Thursday; you were sleeping everytime I walked the halls that day
I'm doing great except for some bad indigestion this afternoon. I was very glad to be able to leave the hospital a day early. My mother stayed with me for a couple of days which was a big help. It's nice finally being able to get in and out of my bed on my own.
Take care.