Happy day for Monica Bond
Happy day for me. I saw my PCP today and she is just amazed at the transformation of Monica. She had seen me last November and she was supportive of my decision for the surgery, but she was also very worried about me. I had lab work done last week and she reviewed the test results with me. My lipid profile is so greatly lowered that at first she thought I was still taking Zocor. "No remember we stopped the Zocor due to muscle pain". She just could not believe that in 2 months I could go from 256 cholesterol to 165, triglycerides from 275 to 154. My thyroid is in the normal range 2.47, my diabetic Hemoglobin AiC is 6.9, and every other test was normal too! Best part was the weight loss. I have dropped 44 lbs since the last visit in November. She is the only doctor who considered taking me off insulin to help with my weight. She watched me and stood by me as I struggled to lose weight conventionally, she saw me through thyroid problems and diabetic fluctuations. She is really great medical provider who truly tries to help the patient achieve a better healthier life. Watching her happiness for me filled me with such peace and glee.
Today I also have on a pair of pants in a 22/24. Have not been able to wear this size for many years. I am tickled pink. As I came into my office today I was complimented on how good I was looking. When I went over the main hospital friends there also complimented me. It is hard for me, such a mobidly obese women to view my changes. I still "feel" inside that I am still 330 lbs. But I do know that this is not the case. I can move better, walk and breath and talk better. I can fit into clothes that just weeks ago would not close or fit. I can make love better and enjoy it more. I can clean all the nooks and cranies. I am healthier and it shows.
Hurrah for me, Hurrah for us who chose to take back our lives.
It's always good to hear happy news from you, Monica! I saw my PCP last week for the first time since September and she came into the room and told me she was just about to yell at the office staff for booking a new patient in the last slot of the day! She saw me sitting in the waiting room and didn't recognize me! It is so nice to see them excited for us with this transformation. When we get a really good doctor, it really is a blessing! Keep up the good work and high spirits!
LapRNY 9/14/04
Hi Monica
I'm very excited for you! It is a wonderful feeling to get your other medical issues under control, I was tickled pink to learn my latest fasting sugar test was 86! (Prior to surgery it was 120+) Isn't it a wonderful feeling? I applaud you for doing so well at taking your life back!!
I was jumping for joy to learn that my BMI has dropped enough that I'm no longer obese, just overweight! How strange is it to be excited about being overweight? LOL
Hugs to you for your current and future sucess!!

Hurrah for you is absolutely correct. I am inspired!! I will be having my Lap RNY surgergy on April 5th and I am so excited and as you put it "passionate" about it. I want to grab back the me I used to be lo, those many years ago. I also am mainly excited about turning all my health issues around and getting off my medications. I also have tried every weight loss plan on the planet. I am a wonderful loser but each and every time I have lost significant amounts of weight I would gain it all back. My family has been skeptically supportive of my having surgery, but know and have experienced my "yo yo" syndrome too many times not to know how bad that is for my health. I wish my surgery date was tomorrow, I am soooooo ready. Once again thanks for your inspiring words. I also read your reply to the woman whose spouse was having trouble reconciling to her having the surgery--once again inspiring. Thank you for your wisdom.