Well, I went to the surgeon for the first time today and I am kind of in shock that I am actually doing this. I feel overwhelmed. My family is trying to be supportive but they are very scared that the surgery will not go well and they might lose me. I dont know what to say to ease their fears. I know it could happen, but I am placing my faith in my Dr. Does anyone have any ideas how to help ease my families concerns?

This is one of the hardest parts of deciding to have surgery....convincing your family that you know what you are doing. When I decided to have surgery.... I told my husband that I was facing a future as an obese, ill woman. My problems were only going to get worse. I went with a reputable hospital and a good surgeon who had a great track record. I guess..the bottom line for me was...facing a certain future of diabetes, high blood pressure and not being able to walk....because of agonizing foot pain......or taking a calculated risk.....lowering that risk by doing this surgery while I was still relatively healthy ....and finding an experienced surgeon. I am so happy that I did choose surgery. My life is so much better because of my decision.
Hi Ellen,
I'm from Westfield too! Maybe we know eachother
My name is sarah (23) and I have similar problems. I got as much info as i could on the procedure (lap band for me) and took along anyone who was interested in going to the meetings they have around the area. The next one is monday night 6:30-8 Riverdale St. W. Springfield at the Best Western. They are very informative and you can meet with other people and ease people's mind. Good luck and keep in touch!

Thank you so much for the advice...I would love to go to a meeting, there is one every 2 weeks at my Drs office, my problem is that I am a student and I have Class that night...I also have class the night of the Mon meeting, but thanks so much. I am going to try very hard to get my family to go to atleast one with me, I really think that the best remidy for this problem will be time and education.
Thanks~ Stay Warm
My family was just the same. I am older 44 and have a son who was very very worried. I had no health problems but knew if I didn't do it now I would be facing all the commons ones we all face. I just could not be 50 and still inactive.
I am 10 weeks post-op, down 54lbs and working out daily. I feel better than I have in 20 years. It was worth every risk for me.
Maybe when you make that final step your Dr woudl consult with them and help ease their fears. Mine did and it made all the difference in the world to them. They felt informed and included.