NEMC surgeons on PBS
Thank you Luann! I'll try to find it.
Someday I'll fly, someday I'll soar,
someday I'll be so damn much more than my body gives me credit for.
Why is it not my time? What is there more to learn?
Shed this skin I've been tripping in, never to quite return...
-J. Mayer
My journal:

Hi. I TiVo'd the episode and have watched it twice already! I wanted to screen it first before I sat my mother down to watch it. She's very nervous and worried for me, and I don't even have a date yet!
The show was great. It showed 8 people who went on conventional diets, and gave their weight loss totals at 1 and 2 years out. After 2 years, half of them had started gaining significant weight back. Boy, does that sound familiar.
I would urge everyone to watch it. especially if you are going to the OCC at NEMC. It gives you a nice look at Drs. Shikora and Tarnoff.
I saw that program twice. The first time I saw it I was so dissapointed--I had said I was doomed to be obese and die a fat woman. The second time I watched it-a few months later- I had heard about the band, and even though the band isn't the surgeries shown--I was inspired and that is when I initially spoke to my physician.
A small tid bit of info--All of my husband's family doesn't know about my surgery. My brother in law was the video editor of the program!! LOL.
I hope all tha****ch the program become as inspired as I was (the 2nd time).
Best of the Cold weather to all!
Joan F.