Just thought I would pop in and encourage all of you Mass. lurkers to come out and post . Let us know you are here. An update on the string cheese battle. I have kept it out of my house and therefore out of my mouth.....lost 5 pounds this week. That could also be because I am stressed and eating much less. Weird how that works .....before surgery...my reaction to stress was to eat....now I have to fight to get food in during stress....I get this huge knot in my stomach.
I just completed the last of my final exams for school. My teaching job is done til after the holidays. My church choir director job will require me to conduct the choir on christmas eve. The major Christmas concerts are all done.
My anxiety level has been very high and quite beyond what I can control. My psych doc put me on some meds for that problem. Thank goodness....some relief. So how is everyone else?
Hi Kim I just read your post can i ask what is wrong with the string cheese?? I am only 20 days out and i cant find anything good to eat i can tollorate chicken so i do have that and yogurt and i was having string cheese but now maybe 2nd thoughts. i eat shrimp and deli turkey but i am so sick of this stuff what were eating at this stage?
Hi Kim
- I am having a similar issue with Wheatables Seven Grain Crackers
. Do other cheeses make you graze or is it something about the string cheese? Just curious. I LLLLOOOOVVVVEEEE the Laughing Cow cheese spread on crackers, hence the Wheatables
. I am usually better if something is individually wrapped such as string cheese or Laughing Cow, because I can see that as a "portion" .
Happy Holidays

Wow Kim, that string cheese is potent stuff for you! Are you salt sensitive? Could be that it holds fluid which creates a vicious cycle! Good for you to keep it out of the house when you can't control it. I am finding cheese in general to be one of my best tolerated foods, but I am waiting for the results of my cholesterol labs to see if I can continue enjoying it! I am sure your choir program will be great and good for you to get help when anxiety gets out of hand! Just think you've completed your first semester back to school full time! Pat yourself on the back for that! Merry Christmas everyone!
LapRNY 9/14/04
I think it is the convenience factor. Easy, well-tolerated food.....It is too easy to eat. So I eat too much of it. I don't think it is the salt....I think it is the volume. Anyway....it is under control. I needed more variety in my diet anyway. At this stage...I should be making more of an effort to get some fruit or veggie in to the day.
Ok here it goes! Hello Kim i am kim....go figure. Well i am a looser and I am almost 5 months post op. I am a slow looser but I am looossssiinggg sloooooowly! I usualy go to the main mess. boards. Not much action hereor on my Aug 2004 boards. I am struggling alot with the head stuff...Ie affraid of failing, loosing slow, and I am constanly after my self. i am eatin cux why? Is this a good choice for me? Maybe I had to many bites, I think I should take smaller bites, Am I eating to fast? How come I can drink 10 oz of water at a time? Is my stoma to big? This is whay goes throuhgh my head all the time.....I am gonna be a whacko soon, but at leat I will be thin! I will just keep on trudging, going to therapy and take my meds and vits, eat the right fods drink my water and exersize. Then I will pry to god I loose 100 more pounds! Happy holidys KIM