Calling Saints Memorial Patients...
Anyone out there a Saints Memorial Hospital patient? (lowell, MA) I have just begun the process at Saints and have just gotten all my appointments scheduled. I saw the nutritionist today for the first time and have the psych consult and a meeting with the surgeon, Dr. Shen next week. I was just wondering if anyone could comment on Dr. Shen and Dr. Jiser? They asked which one I was interested in having do my surgery and I was unsure which to choose? Can anyone tell me about bedside manner, demenor or other experiences with either surgeon so that I could have some more info? Anything you can tell me would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Hi Bonnie, I am a year out from Saints Memorial and I have nothing but good things to say about this whole team. I had Dr. Jiser for my gastric bypass and my gallbladder surgery, he was GREAT. I have not had to deal with Dr. Shen but a friend of mine had him and liked him. The whole team is very competent and with you all the way. Dr. Jiser doesn't alk much but he is willing to answer your questions and he doesn't make you feel like you are taking up too much of his time. Good luck and email me if you need anymore information I will be more than happy to chat .

Hi There!
I had my surgery back on 5/18 with Dr. Shen & he was wonderful. I chose him because when I went for the consult appointment he is who I spoke with and I really liked him. I konw other people in the program who had Dr. Jiser & they all think he's great so either way you will be in good hands.
Dr. Shen is on the quieter side, very gentle, very kind and never made me feel like I wasn't #1 on his priority list. He answered all my questions, and really knows his stuff. As far as his personality/bed side he's a little dry but I loved having him as my surgeon. You should go to the support meetings Saints offers and talk to some of the folks there. Everyone is very forthcoming with information and their experiences. Hope to see you there!