had my psych consult yesterday...

Hang in there. I know it is frustrating now, but a little help dealing with issues could be a good thing. You would not believe how stuff affects you after surgery . Without food as a coping mechanism.....anxiety, and depression often get the better of us as post ops. I speak from experience! If you can understand your issues more clearly and learn some other coping skills, you won't be as likely to fall back on food and you will improve your chances to be a successful long-term post op! Hang in there and remember that we are all here supporting you on your journey to a healthier body and mind.
Was your Psych BRENDA??????
she can be soooo difficult!!!
I had her as my psych and She wouldn't approve me right away either until I met with her again and had to bring my hubby along too.
She had issues with me and the same deal as you have!!
But, I'm happy to say I went the 2nd time with such a "positive" weither real or put on, attitide and she said she'd approve me. I had to see her a week prior and a month post but, no big deal!
I had my suregery in June and have been doing great since!
Don't let it worry you, PLAY the GAME!
could you tell me when the rest of the meetings are at baystate this month. I missed last months and don't have a new paper with the november dates!

Cathy I don't mean to not take what the physh has to say to heart. But, I do mean don't let it weigh you down and like the other's say, it is an adjustment and they are only concerned that you'll not adjust to it well.
Go again to see her if you are suppost to and work on being positive about the changes that are permenent This you have to make her understand that YOU understand that! Good luck!! ~ Mary