No stricture
I had my upper GI on Thursday which showed no stricture but severe reflux! The radiologist said he didn't know what to tell me to do after this surgery, except maybe eat standing up! I have been trying to get through to someone at the surgeons office for follow-up but either get no answer or playing telephone tag. UGHHHHHH! This is the part that is really frustrating me. I am actually feeling better after the upper GI. I feel as if the contrast solution may have pushed away something that was blocking the outlet. I have been able to eat a little more than usual and I want to go back to work but can't until I see Dr. Hess!
I did have some nice moments yesterday. I went to pick up my sister at the T station yesterday. I haven't seen her since the first week post-op. She got in the car and said "Where's Luann?" Later she commented that I just look like a normal middle-aged woman, not obese anymore! My other sister was surprised at how much more I have lost also when she arrived at my house. Little comments like these make all the minor complications worthwhile. I am sure my little pouch will adjust with time.
Yeah, those comments from sisters are important! Before she actually saw me I was talking to my thin (and perhaps neurotically obsessive about her weight and eating) sister, Donna. I told her a friend of mine said I look so much like my sister Donna now. She said "Oh, my I'd better be more careful about what I eat" Gotta love them despite their lack of tact sometimes!
Yup, I know what you mean. I have two younger sisters....they are twins and a year younger than me. Both were much thinner than I was and could eat whatever they pleased. My mother was also tall and thin.. One of the days I treasure most as a post op was when my younger sister handed over a closet full of very nice suits that she could no longer wear....they fit me beautifully....too small for her (very catty grin spreading across my face just remembering). I have also handed over some of my size 14's that I shrunk out my mother. Ok...enough gloating .
Well I am glad you do not have a stricture!!!! And I know it is impossible to get thru to Dr. Hess unless you call on a Friday when he is in Quincy - but don't give up - Maria is normally very good at making sure he calls you back and all... did you have reflux before surgery? And I never thought you needed surgery when I met you anyway - goes to show we never know huh - but I am glad you are doing better. If you don't get thru to him before Friday, just show up there first thing Friday morning if you can - he will HAVE to see you then
Liz -52

Hi Luann,
Glad to hear it was not a stricture. Did they put you on any antacid medicine post-op? At NEMC, they recommend pepcid (or I'm taking Protonix) for at least 6 months post-op as a preventative.
I hope you get some relief real soon.
Isn't it great when you hear people commenting on how great you look. Enjoy those moments.
Thanks everyone for the responses! I was on Protonix before surgery and liquid Zantac after for a while but then the surgeon said I probably didn't need it anymore. I think I will try the liquid Zanta****il I get in to see him. It doesn't make sense to me that it would help as the acid reflux is not supposed to be able to happen after this surgery. This really feels more mechanical(like a big knot) than acidic, but it is getting better and perhaps the Zantac will help it along. Thanks again everyone! Kim O, love the story about the suits!
my surgeon also had me on zantac (pills tho) and she said i probably wouldnt need it after a month post op.. wasnt the case with me, i was feeling horrible so someone suggested i try starting that up again and it worked!! i'm 7 months out now and dont have to take it anymore, but i did take it for about 4 months after surgery! of course it'd be best to see your dr, but thought you could try that in the meantime.. good luck! ~Kim