Liz Update...
I saw Dr. Hess this morning - I am now down 52 pounds since surgery, and down 117 pounds from my heaviest - woohoo!!!
He told me I can cut back on my protein (I was up to 80 grams a day) and to go to 60 grams of protein a day so I can add in fruits and veggies, which I haven't been doing, but will now. 52 pounds in just under 3 months - how kewl!!!

Way to go on the weight loss. Hope everything else is going well for you by now with no more complications. I am so happy with this procedure myself. I am down 70 pounds since surgery and my goal is to be down 100 when I see Dr. Hess the next time which is not until after the first of the year. Keep up the good work.
Hi Liz!!! I've been meaning to drop you an email. I'm so glad to hear that you are doing so well. I see Dr. Hess this coming Friday but according to my home scale, I'm down 60 pounds. But I don't trust my scale.
We should make some plans to get together! Are you still going to the support group meetings? Let me know when you are going again and I'll try and make it!