New Member - Questions
Hi everyone...
I just joined today having just found out about your website - it is great! I've already read a few postings & got some tips.
I am pre-surgery - I am going to have it done at Mass. General in Boston. I have alerady done my pre-surgeon meetings with dr., shrink, nutritionist, etc....I go back on 12/6 (maybe sooner) to finalize and schedule appt. with surgeon and go from there ... going for the RYN and hopefully can do it laparoscopy.
?? can any of you give me any tips on things to ask the surgeon? I'm sure people who have had this can tell me more than I can think of on my own as (obviously) I've never done it before
Appreciate anything you can tell me and any other tips you want to throw my way are welcome.
To all of you who are successful - great & keep it up. I hope I do as well as you all are.

I had read up on the "band" surgery and I thought it was not as good as the staples??? It can stretch, it can break etc...I was considering it because I am petrified of the staples - that scares me more than the surgery (having staples in my body) but I was told the "band" is not as successful.
Did you have the lap band type surgery? How are you doing?
I appreciate the input. I go back for my follow-up today - Mon. 11/8.
The Lap Band gives you the same weight loss as a bypass two years after surgery. There were some old studies from when the Lap Band was experimental that were not as good as the information we have now.
But the Lap Band can not stretch or break, I think you are confusing it with the vertical band or VBG. The VBG has a lot of problems and is not adjustable.
I had the Lap Band a year ago. I had no complications, lost 84 pounds and I reached my goal in 8 months. At this time I am eating just about everything except soft bread. My meals and snacks are very normal, just small amounts. I am losing 1 or 2 pounds a month which is fine with me. If I get to the point where I want to stop losing I will have a little saline taken out of my band so I can eat more.
The link below is to the Lap Band forum where you will finds lots of people having success with the band.