I have been trying to get disability for well over a year now and have jumped through all the hoops they wanted me to. and still they want more. I got denied the first time d/t being "friendly and able to make my own decisions" And the Ortho Doc said I could stand at least 3/4 of the day! (I can't even stand long enough to do a sink full of dishes without the pain in my knees and back make me cry.) So I went to see a lawyer and we re applied. now they want me to see another Doc, this one is medical. Dr Dress, Any one know him? Anyone have any ideas as to how to speed this along? Do I tell them that I only want disability until I can go back to work, after I have surgery and lose the weight? I am so depressed, but the psych doc said I was nervous! Not depressed! I am truly at my wits end. I don't know how much more my poor husband can take either. He has to do everything, I don't even leave the house except for Doctors appts and wls group meetings. And I probably wouldn't even do them except I enjoy them and they are necessary to have the surgery. Can anyone give a word of encouragement or hints to help with this process? Thanks for being here to listen. cathy