Ants in my pants
Hi All,
I went for my Orientation Meeting at UMASS last night. Kind of discouraged at first because I guess they are charging $350 program fee if you want to have the surgery. They claim it is to cover costs that the insurance companies do not cover. I keep reading that others that have had it done at UMASS go to the two meetings that are required before any appointments are set are waiting three to four months before their first appointment. Is this normal? Is the fee normal at other hospitals? I didn't want to ask these questions last night as there were a lot of people in the meeting. Can someone help? I would like to get through this so my husband doesn't have a stroke or something from the stress of "what might happen" if something goes wrong.

Wow Krista so many things have changed at Umass I just don't know what to say. As I have told you it took me 14 months from 1st meeting to surgery. It is a long time and process, but it is so worth it !! Keep your chin up it will all work out. And the Umass team is just wonderful.
Best of wishes.
Dawn -102
I am scheduled to have my surg. on Dec 9th at BWH and they have a $500.00 fee which must be paid before the surgery date. It's supposed to be an admin. which recovers cost of the orientation and all of the meetings that they want us to go to because the ins. companys don't pay for it. They allow us to pay it a little at a time. that's what I am currently doing. Hope this helps.
Hi Krista
If all they are asking for is $350 your geting off cheep from what I have read on the boards the standard rate is $500 that's what I am paying in at Brigams & Womans. It will cover anything related to your surgery that your insurence will not cover. Like the dietary consault sleep study any labs or X-Rays things like that. And when I went to my diatery consault and she gave me a bunch of post op food to try after my surgery that from looking on the web site it came from would have cost me around $50. Also gave me a lot of things to read for post op care needs. All of this would add up. Hope that helps in some way.
Hugs Loretta

Hi Krista, I had my wls at NEMC last Nov. 4 and I did have to pay 450.00 which is the standard fee prior to having surgery. It supposedly pays for orientation and guest speakers, etc. Once I had my initial consult and paid the fee, it all went quickly, four months from first visit until surgery. I went with one of the newer surgeons in the practice, and she was assisted by the head surgeon, so my date was quicker than some peoples. I went to a general orientation prior to surgery and that was it. Your husband is just being supportive and caring, it's okay, he's showing you how much he loves you by being nervous. My husband wouldn't even discuss my wishes for him and my son if anything happened, but I made him listen anyway. Drop me a line if you have anymore questions, okay? Good luck, Paula
Thank you all who have replied. It's good to know that UMASS is just not charging this fee to get more money. I did find out that this fee is deductible on the taxes so that is good to know. Also, I have BCBS and I was reading on their website that they do reimburse for weight loss programs at a hospital so I am going to see if this falls into that category. I am definately going to pay it and not gripe too much about it because nothing will change my mind now. Especially when all of the coworkers and friends I have told about my decision totally support me, and are already trying to imagine a smaller me. If it wasn't for this website, (I've been reading the boards, and about the surgery for about the past four years) I would have probably never gotten the referral. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!
Hi Krista, I live in Amherst also. Where are you planning on having your surgery???? I went through bay state in springfield.
If you are going to go through them they require 3 support meetings at baystate , Did you send in your paperwork yet?? Do you have a meeting set up with the surgeon?? If not I would do that big time first because there is a wait of about 8 months.
I sent in my paperwork last May, I had my consult in October, I had to go to six months of nutrition appts.{because I have not had a doctor supervised diet}, My surgery was June 8th. I am down 65 lbs/ 73 from my highest weight. This wls is SO worth the effort!!
any questions you can e-mail me at [email protected]
good luck Mary

The doctors are just telling you that. I use to work for an office at BWH. You health insurace pays for everything. BWH uses the money so that if you cancel your surgery the doctor does not get hit so bad. If you do not believe me please consult your health insurcance. I had my surgery at Faulkner which is an affiliated with BWH and they do not charge. Sleep studies, labs, nutrition appointments, psych appointments are necessary for your surgery and are covered. If that is the case why don't they tell you what iis not covered from jump street - not all insurnce companies are the same right? What happens is that the doctor does not recieve all the money for the surgery the hospital does and they really get pissed off if a patient changes thier mind. Believe me I've been screamed at because I did not have a back-up person to take the place of a cxl'ed patient. So don't believe the hype. The secretary does not get paid any extra for doing her job which is just sending out templates to insurance companies and making appointments. Hell, you can do that yourself. Ask them this? If I make my own appointments and send them into your office will I need to pay the upfront price. they will tell you yes you do. Guess speakers please. Most of these speakers do not recieve a honorarium, they are already on staff, which is a conflict of interest. also, keep in mind that if you decide that you do not like your dr. you can not get your money back. Now as far as the food it's just a way the lead you into joing a diet workshop to give the hospital more money. If I'm not mistaken it's HMR right a liquid diet which is the same product they have for the weight loss clinic. It's just to make you feel like your getting something for your money becase they can't justify taking the $500.00. The Program if you decide to join will cost you more in the long run. The same nutrition giving you the product is the same one who runs the weight program. get it....