I am so frustrated I want to cry. I had surgery on August 11th and in the first 2 weeks I lost a significant amount of weight. But since then I'm barely losing anything! I checked in with my doctor for my one month check up and I had only lost 12 pounds. He seemed a tad confused. It's now been almost 3 weeks since that visit and I've only lost 5 pounds since then! I'm eating anywhere from 65 - 80 grams of protein a day and getting in at least 68 oz of fluids a day. I'm definitely more active now than before the surgery. I use the treadmill at least 4 times a week yet I can't seem to lose the weight. What can I possibly be doing wrong??? It's so frustrating hearing about everyone losing weight so fast (here and other boards) when I am slow as mollasses. Also, I have only gotten my period for ONE day since a week before my surgery. Could that have something to do with it? Man, I'm very upset and frustrated!!
Thanks for listening to me vent.

Jennifer, Hang in there! Your body has been through a lot and you are really shocking it with all that exercise I'll bet! Give yourself time to adjust to all the changes. It hasn't even been 2 months yet! Think of the plateaus as rest periods for your body to regroup. You will be back on the losing side again. Also, hormones can get into a tizzy with rapid weight loss too, so give that some time (unless of course there is a possibility that you could be pregnant). You are doing what you are supposed to be for food and exercise, so be a little easier on yourself!
chill kiddo!
I am about a week in front of you ! I lost about 35# pounds and holding to. Be paitent, Put the scale away.(I still take it out and weigh lol) I was told dont get caught in the numbers. So now I just let nature do the rest! Just think of it like this "when was the last time you lost that kind of weight and kept it off for good" hugs KIM
Hey Jennifer!!! Don't let it all get to you - Dr. Hess gave me strict orders NOT to get on any other scales except when I see him, so that helps. When do you see him again? I go this Friday at 8:30 am... have you gone in to see Wendy the dietician at all? At least give her a call if you already haven't - I just saw her yesterday to go on to Stage 5 and she told me only count proteins and watch the fats, but not to worry about the calories for now. Just don't let it get to you - and put the scales in your trunk or something like that so you won't be checking all the time