A truly YUMMY protein bar!!!
I've recently found a protein bar that both my husband and I really like... we never did care too much for the Atkins, EAS, etc.
What I found is called Slim Carb, by Glennys. I had never seen or heard of them until about 10 days ago, and I found it in the produce section of a grocery store (Stop & Shop). It's a 1.3 oz bar, so just the right size... flavors are Peanut Caramel, Brownie Cheesecake, and Double Fudge.
I've only tried the Peanut Caramel and the Brownie Cheesecake, and both are AWESOME. The Peanut Caramel reminds me of a Whatchamacallit candy bar (Remember those?).
The price is (are you sitting down for this....) $1.50 per BOX OF 18! Yes, that's one-dollar-and-fifty-cents for 18 bars, which equals about $.08 each! How cool is that???
Stats are:
140 calories
4 grams of fat
2 net carbs
You better get your rear end back to that store hun and buy what they have then - they are supposed to sell for almost $30.00 for 18 of them according to their own website - gennys.com
I will have to try the Stop & Shops out here to see if they have them too - sound too good to be true
Post-Op 08/10/2004
-40 pounds and counting!