string cheese intervention required
AS I posted on the main message board......My name is Kim and I am a string cheese addict! LOL. I really am having a problem with it....too much of it. It goes down way too easy and I seem to grab some everytime I walk past the fridge. It has been a staple of my post op diet...but there are other appropriate ways to get protein and calcium. I ran out of it last night. I didn't replace it today.....string one

Well Kim, admitting you are powerless over string cheese is the first step! LOL! I love the stuff too! Try not to buy any for awhile and have it for a special treat when you do get some. Remember, " ...Grant me the serenity to accept the cheese I cannot change.....the courage to change the cheese I can and the wisdom to know the difference! " (and not making fun of anyone's spiritual road to any kind of recovery, just pointing out that this works for any kind of "addictive" behavior)