
Thank you for responding Liz. My problem is that I want it to happen now! Even though I haven't done anything yet. I have Mass Health so I hope that doesn't limit my access to good doctors. Have you had your surgery? Are you happy with it? If you've had it how long did the whole process take? Thanks again for responding.
Dr. Ferzoco isn't at Good Samaritan anymore. Last August she moved her practice to Dedham Medical Associates & does her surgry at Faulkner Hospital. There is Pam Gastwirt there too.
I picked the program first. I researched their sites & then talked to people & gathered more information on this site. I chose the program at Beth israel Deaconnes & had my surgery 5 weeks ago by Dr. Mun. I started the journey in late January & hate the surgery in late June. You have to go to informational meetings (2) but that's the kind of program I was looking for.
Hope that helps. Good luck
Different surgeons have different proceedures.
If I were you, I would look into different surgeons near you and pick one. Then call his/her office and find out what the steps are.
It may be a while before you even see a surgeon. Some doctors want you to attend informational sessions, or compulsive eating classes, or see a psychologist or a nutritionist....
I'm going to UMass in Worcester. I went to my first informational session last October, and I will finally see the surgeon next week.
Whatever you do, don't choose a surgeon based on the wait time. Choose one that you know will get you the best results.
I am thrilled that the bariatric surgery program through UMass takes as long as it does. These doctors don't want to just cut into you--they want to be sure that you'll be ready for all the changes you'll need to make after you have your surgery.
The very first thing you should do is find out if local hospitals or the hospital near you that is doing the surgery has support group meetings. That will give you a way to ask the questions you need, also helps to find a good surgeon. I had a friend take me to hers and that's were it started for me. Once you find a good surgeon it most likely will take a while to see him or her but in the meantime keep going to support group meetings. You will need them before and long after to help with the many questions you will have. Good Luck!