I just recently went to an informational meeting at umass. I am looking forward to getting gastric bypass surgery. My initial thought was that i would have to wait a year for everything to go through. Most people on these boards have confirmed this for me. But there is GREAT NEWS....

Their offices are expanding and they are adding more staff. Nutritionists, Psychologists and Docs. The expected wait to see Behavioral Med. after you attend your required 2 meetings is now a week or two!!! How cool is that? And the process of seeing both Nutrition and Behav. Med should take no more than 2 to 3 months. It can still be longer for patients who have sleep apnea or other issues. Butthis is absolutley wonderful news to me!!! I am so excited to get things rolling. They used to have you call Behavioral Med to put you name on a list for an appointment after your first two meetings, but now thay will call YOU, after your second meeting. If everything goes well with my insurance i can expect to have this done within 4-6 months rather than 8-18 months. What a difference. Well GL to all and best wishes.
Niesha Johnson

Current/ Goal
280/ 160
TTC: 7/2/02