I made it! Qst. about Gas
I had my surgery 6/8/04 and I made it through seamlessly thank God.
However, the one thing that is bothering me post-op is the amount of Gas I have! I mean is this normal? Still this far out?
I was thinking it could be because I'm lactose intolorant now, since I've heard your body can change after surgery.
Could anyone out there help?

Congrats on a successful surgery - good for you!!! your angels were watching out for you.
re: gas - it is very common to have that after any kind of surgery, especially abdominal surgery - WALK as much as you can - move around and if anyone complains about your "noise", tell them to stuff it!!
good luck!
Patricia is absolutely right, it is the result of abdominal surgery and the bowel being messed with. It will straighten out. Walking is the best and I found that hugging a ho****er bottle helped a lot. The gas just means that the bowel has motility, a fancy medical word for it is moving along again. This is good.
I'm so glad that you are through the surgery. It gets better each day from here. Dr. Randall did my surgery on 5/28. I am doing well and except for being tired, feel well.
I was a bit lactose intolerant before the surgery and milk is a big problem for me now. Lactaid works much better and I have much less gas with it.
Take it slow, rest and enjoy the ride.

Congrats on your surgery! I had alot of people warn me about the gas it is very normal. Women at my support group are always telling embarrising stories about gas. Some say it comes without warning and at the worst times. My husband is ready to move me to the garage! He said I even pass gas in my sleep. Before surgery I was never gassy.
Good Luck
Congrats to you regarding your surgery. I will tell you that gas was a problem for me as well, I had my surgery 4-12-04. My gas was unholy, and my friends called me "The Prince of Brown Air", but when I switched to lactaid milk to mix my carnation breakfast, most of it went away. Today I still get a little gas, but it's nothing like when I started.
Good Luck.
Congratulations Kattie!
Glad to hear you are doing so well. I'm glad you asked this question because I had no idea there wes THAT MUCH gas. You expect some. I have 3 family members who had the surgery & they never said a thing. I have my surgery in 10 days & go for my pre-op on Friday so will ask. Gotta get some lactaid or mylicon in the house before I go to surgery.