Getting nervous
I just had my sleep
study moved up from July to next week, 2 days before my psych testing. I have a feeling, I am going to get a date quickly and I am getting really nervous!
I went to the support group for the first time the other night and hearing things like maybe being on a vent in ICU for a while after surgery (asthma and sleep apnea), having a central line and that barium swallow the next day.....
I was getting the dry heaves listening to them talk about it! I keep looking at the before and after photos to keep me motivated, but I really need help feeling sure this is the right decision. Any suggestions and support are greatly appreciated!
I am still a hot
babe. It just comes in flashes.

I'm here to tell you that you will be informed of ANYTHING that even remotely might go wrong during surgery. I know that this is scarey but you must force yourself to realize that this is a possibility but not necessarily a probability. You need to ask the surgeon what is possible and what is probable. I focused on the positive and I swear that it is helping me to heal. I had my open RNY 16 days ago and I am doing great. I am eating real food and I have lost 26 lb. already. You do need to be aware of your body postop and take your temp several times per day whether they tell you to or not. (pull out your thermometer before you go, or get one, digital is easiest. This will give you a heads up on post op infection if one should begin and you'll get treated early. Check your incisions daily for signs of infection (redness, drainage, swelling, heat).
Question your doc as to his/her experience and track record. This did a lot to allay my fears. If they do not give you the answers that you seek then move on and find someone who will.
Remember, this is totally your decision. You need to follow your heart. We will support you whatever you decide. Be well and let us know how we can help.
I know that it is scary Luann but if you can say with certainty that this is what you want to do to make a life change then get all the information you can & forge ahead. If you have any doubts then hold off. You have to be comfortable with your decision.
Don't forget that I am going before you & we live in the same town so you can check out how I am doing. And hopefully I will be fine like everyone else.
Your profile says you have high blood pressure, sleap apnea and diabetes. I had the same when I got my Lap Band last November. The high blood pressure was gone in a few weeks. The sleep apnea was gone in a few months and now my diabetes is now gone as well.
I hope you have the same good luck.
Thanks everyone! You are right Richard, thinking about my co-morbidities helps to keep things in perspective. Both my parents died before age 65 from the same co-morbidities. My youngest is only 12, so I want a life expectancy of more than 14 years! Not that we ever have guarantees, but I owe it to my kids to do everything in my power to be healthy and hope to stay around for grandchildren!