help finding the right doctor...Pepperell, ma
It doesn't say where you live but I am having mine at BIDMC in a couple of weeks & I live on the south shore.
It all depends on whether you want to travel to go to the testing & support groups pre-op & post-op. Personally I don't mind & I'd rather go to someplace that does them all the time than a place that doesn't. But that is my opinion
Thank you all for the great advice on Doctors..I live on the NH border so I am also looking into Southern New Hampshire Medical Center..the MD there trained with Dr Shikora(??sp) at NEMC or BI having a brain cramp related to his profile ANYWAY his name is Dr. Drinkwater...each research is one step closer..
I have to say this site is wonderfuly supportive and full of great information
thanks again!

I know I am late in responding but Dr. Malcolm Robinson is who is doing my Open RNY and their office is excellent from what I experienced so far. Jennifer the scheduler and do it all girl is extremely efficient and very very awesome. They are out of Brigham & Womens in Boston. But I highly recommend him.
Good Luck and please let us know what you decide. Good Luck to you!