surgical consult
Well, tomorrow is my surgical consult. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I am going with my mom. My husband offered to go also, but I know that both of them are so against this, that I can't take two negative forces. They support me, yet they don't want me to do it. I'm hoping this will go well tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Good luck Brenda. Hopefully, your surgeon will be able to make your mother feel much more comfortable about your decision and then you will have have her to help convert your husband. See if he might go to a support group meeting with you and that might put him more at ease! May the positive force be with you!
~I am still a hot
babe. It just comes in flashes

IMO I think that bringing you mom is a great idea. The surgeon will be able to alleviate some of your mom's fears. If your hubby can go, I would probably suggest it. Then they can ask questions that will make them feel more comfortable and you'll have converted 2 negatives into 2 positives. I wish my DH was able to go to mine.
Anyway, congratulations on your surgical appt. I was terrified when I went to mine but it all turned out wonderfully and I was on Cloud 9 afterwards.
Good Luck and please let us know how you made out with both mom & the appt.