WLS and Ulcers
Does a history of ulcers prevent you from having WLS?
I had 2 bouts of ulcers, both related to being on predinisone for my asthma and STUPIDLY taking Motrin at the same time
and the GERD from having such a huge belly! Now, Dr. Hess told me with RNY I would never be able to have an endoscopy again (shucks, although that nap from the Versed was pretty cozy!) but didn't ask me to get cleared by a gastroenterologist. I did make an appointment to see my own gastroenterologist, just to make sure it's will be safe to have surgery. Of course, the surgery could possible CURE the GERD, prevent me from ever having ulcers again and the GI doctor will lose a patient! HMMMMM, approve her for surgery or keep dilating her esophagus $$$$$ every 18 months?????? Have ulcers been a problem for anyone in getting approval or caused a problem post op?
~I'm still a hot babe. It just comes in flashes!~

I don't know for a fact if that is a yes or a no but IMO, I think it wouldn't. Dr. Hess doesn't want you to have a GI clearance so I suppose that is a good thing and I heard that your GERD and ulcers could clear up from surgery. If Dr. Hess isn't worried about it. I wouldn't either.
I too am an asthmatic and have taken prednisone as well as motrin. I had no idea you couldn't take them together. Oh my. Dr. Robinson scheduled me for every test under the sun. I have no choice I have to have a GI test done. YUCK! I am not looking forward to that.
Next month I am doing all my testing in 5 days from the 9th-14th (a break on the 11th). Good Luck but I wouldn't worry. Out of curiosity why can't you have an endoscopy again? I don't understand. *blush*
I think you can't have endoscopy again because the opening from the esophagus to the "pouch" is too small and you can't access the part of the stomach that had the ulcers previously(and the most commom place for them) because of the sutures and staples of the WLS. I was on high doses of prednisone and taking motrin 800 mg every 6 hours over a long weekend because I had an abcessed tooth and another time a rotator cuff tear. Prednisone decreases your body's ability to respond with inflammation, so the Motrin was eating holes in my stomach and I didn't realize it (no inflammation=no pain****il I came off the the Prednisone. I don't think the risk is there with the inhaled steroid (flovent, etc). By the way, I was reading an article in my packet written by Dr. Forse and it was looking at improvement in co-morbidities after WLS; those will asthma were 60% CURED and 100% improved! Those with sleep apnea were 100% CURED! Sounds good to me!
~I am still a hot babe
It just comes in flashes!