Friday!! Yeah!
I don't know about the rest of you all, but this has been a long, grueling week. :'-( I'm so happy that it's over.
38 more days until surgery
Monday's my final 'milestone'. It's amazing how fast things get moving once they start.
My kitchen detox is done. I have a TON of "bad" food to give to family and friends. I'll live vicariously through them.
Speaking of living vicariously, I've got class
all day tomorrow. Please tell me that at least one of my AMOS friends is doing something fun this weekend.
Have a great night!
- Sharon

I'll second that Sharon!
I am so glad it's Friday, this week just didn't seem to end! I can't believe how quickly people are getting dates! My sleep
study is July 13th, but that is the last thing that has to be done. I am hoping that I might get a date before the end of summer, but I may not. What is AMOS?
I don't know if I am an AMOS friend, but I am going shopping with my sister tomorrow, so that is kind of fun! I am also going to buy some herbs and plants for my porch. What kind of class
are you taking on Saturday? Good luck as you await surgery!
I got the funniest little pillow today, embroidered on it: I'm still a hot babe
but now it comes in flashes!
It seems like most of you on this board are too young to relate to that, but think I am going to take that as my new motto!

AMOS = Association for Morbid Obesity Support
Yes, you are a AMOS friend!!
I was lucky and didn't need the sleep study. I do, however, need a ultrasound for my gallbladder and a cardiac test because I had taken Fen/Phen. But for my insurance, the only thing that matters is the psych test, which is monday. I hope they don't think I'm loopy.
Saturday is a Telecommunications and Networking class. If it's warm out it'll be a real snoozer
LOL I'm not far off from the hot flashes myself. I hope it leaves me a lone for a while.
Have a great weekend!!
- Sharon

I think over the holiday weekend I'll either be cleaning out my basement or detoxing my kitchen....But July and August will be more around the time I should seriously detox.
We went to a tow show in Boston on Sunday. My hubby got into a fight with this jerk *****ally started it all. I'm not up for anyone fighting but this time my hubby was not at fault. This guy was so totally rude , a chicken bake dinner w/a country/western band playing at the club my hubby & his family are members of on Saturday and Friday night my 5 yr old son and my 1 yr old daughter became honorary members of our towns girl scouts at a pot luck dinner. (Why does life always seem surrounded by food?NO wonder why I am as big as I am.) That was my exciting weekend. (A bit backwards but....)
Luann, I go for my sleep study on June 12th. Check in at 9:00PM. Where do you have to go for your sleep study? I am going to my sleep study in Newton, MA.
June 9th: Nutritionist appt. and my gallbladder u/s
June 10th: My 36th birthday and my cardiologist appt in the evening.
June 12th: Sleep Study
June14th: Upper GI test
August 16th: Pre-op testing
Sept. 2cd: My surgery date will finally be here.
I think and I have to confirm with the scheduler, that on August 10th is my last pre-op appt with the surgeon.
They scheduled my post op appt for Sept. 7th but I think that date has to change to because don't you wait like 1 or 2 weeks post op before you go see the surgeon? I have to check with the scheduler again.
What other tests do you have to do?? And when??? (If you don't mind me asking....You can tell me to stuff it if you want. I won't take offense.) I apologize for being so darned nosy. I was just curious.