No "real" ducks. I wish, but in the city it would be impractical. Plus my cat-child wouldn't know what to do with them.
Detox is coming along. I'm removing the starches and replacing with Carnation Instant Breakfast.

In my detoxing I've found the most curious things.

Cake mixes, pudding, about 3 boxes of rice and an equal number of pasta. And many cans of creamed corn. Where did they come from?? Almost everything was pure carbs. I think i'm a carb addict!
I bought two 2.5 gallon water things; a bunch of Chrystal Light and sugar free decaffinated ice tea; some gatorate 'juice' boxes and a few cans of broth. I figure that should get me through the first 2 - 3 weeks. If not, PeaPod delivers!

Have a great day!
- Sharon