I have a date & need an angel!!
I just got my date today. It's June 22 at 3pm at the BIDMC.
I met the surgeon, Dr. Mun, last Thursday & I had to talk to my boss to see when it was OK to take time off since vacations start then.
It's going to be a lap RNY even though my weight is very high because I am pear shaped. The will switch to open if they have to. Hope they don't I now have to loose some weight before the procedure, he was not happy that I had gained a few pounds from when I started this process. I'm not looking forward to that.
It's good to share this with you all.
Congrats Donna!
Wow that seems like short notice! Is it typical to only find out a month before? I don't know where you work, but remember this is a medically necessary surgery, not cosmetic surgery and by law
they have to let you take up to 12 weeks family medical leave if necessary. I know how it is to take vacation time as a nurse-you probably had to request time off in March! Good luck! Is the person who is your angel supposed to be post-op? If not, I would be glad to be yours
since we live near each other!

My boss was very cool with me having the surgery sooner than later. I will be out the same time as the other person in our office is on vacation before & over the July 4th holiday. I'm not on the floors any more, I work in the office of Quality & Patient Safety but my boss is brand new & she will be alone for the 10 days or so there is an overlap. But she said no problem.
I think that there has been a slow down of people going for the procedure because of the negative media attention so the waiting list is short. I'm very glad, although I am nervous because of my recent post-op history, but I want to get on the loosing side!
Luann, that would be great if you could be my angel.
Congratulations Donna! Woo Hoo!! That is awesome news. I agree with Luann. Just imagine how healthy you are going to be sooooo soon. I am so excited for you.
Luann, I don't think an angel has to be post-op. The purpose of the angel (I think)is to post here with your angelettes progress of surgery and to offer your angel support. So I don't think it matters if you are pre-op or post-op.
Good Luck ladies!
Just a little change in plans. My date got changed to June 25th. I was supposed to be an afternoon case but it may run too long so they bumped me to first thing on June 25,
A little disappointed but it'll come sooner or later.
Thanks to everyone for the encouraging words. I know I will be happy & healthier. It takes such effort to walk & move around. I'm sick of it.