Info Session Update:
I went last night to Brigham & Women's Hospital. I haven't been there since 1989 and boy has it changed. It looks really good. Anyhoo, I digress. It was such an informative and wonderful orientation. I am so proud of my research work because I pretty much knew most of what they talked about. There was some (very few) things that I didn't know but I did good.
I understand better how Dr. Robinson's office works and who I will contact and what I need to do. But I have pretty much done what i have to do. There were questions I meant to ask but didn't remember until I was 1/2 way home. So I jotted them down and will ask during my initial consult with Dr. robinson.
But I do have a question for those who have BTDT with Dr. Robinson's consult. Last night they mentioned a physical exam? What did they do and do they do this after they think you are a good candidate for surgery?
I meant to ask last night but I know some of you have already BTDT so I wanted to aks you all here first. I am just so afraid of another denial. I am obese/borderline morbidly obese.
Can I be catty too for a moment? Last night these 2 women looked at me and said that I was too skinny for this surgery and why was I here? I told them I am obese (maybe I hide it well, I don't know) but they hurt my feelings. I am now by my BMI a 40.0. I am 5"3' and 226lbs. I may not be 300 or more so pounds but by my height and weight I am obese. Am I being to whiny???? LOL.
Thanks for listening to me vent and to tell you about the info session.
Hi Erin
- I've heard great things about Brigham and Women's
. I wish my surgeon's office would have had an info session like that, not just about nutrition, etc, but who to call with questions, their procedures, etc. Do you have a date yet?
About those two women.....that was very rude of them
. They don't know what co-morbs you may have or what your life is like. My favorite one-size-fits-all answer to questions like that is "now, how does that concern you?" . When I was living in a different part of the US that wasn't so ethnically diverse, people (strangers!) thought it was appropriate to come up to me and ask "what are you?", meaning nationality. I would ask them back "how does that concern you?" and it shut them up every time
. Some people were never taught manners
Good Luck, Mea

Thanks Nancy and Mea. You know, I never thought to use that "and this means what to you? line. I think I will have to give it a try.
No, I have my 1st initial visit with Dr. Robinson on May 10th and we will take it from there. I honestly don't know how the actual appt. will go. From what I gathered at the info session was that they do a physical exam, go over your medical history and you talk. I guess after that they will decide if you qualify or not.
This time I think that I will qualify. I really want this surgery. After the info session, it has really made me more comfortable with my decision and I know that I will have absolutely positively no regrets and I definately want this more than ever.
I should just ignore the ignorant people. They don't know my situation or my history. They of all people should have understood. "Things aren't always as they seem." How true that statement is.
But thank you ladies for the kind words. I won't let their stupid remarks bother me any more.
Hi again Erin
- My angelette is a lightweight also. She had her surgery on 4/12 and is doing just fine
. She may not have as much weight to lose as I do but she deserves to be healthy just like you or anyone else. I don't know how someone who is MO can't see that lightweights have their issues too. Hopefully the 2 rude women will become more educated as they complete their process. In the meantime, give em hell, Erin
! Mea

This is what will happen during your physical exam.... you'll get weighed, blood pressure etc. You'll meet with a physcian asst for most of the appt and then you will meet with Dr. R. for about 5 minutes. You are not too skinny, I got those remarks myself. I am 5"2' and I weighed 237 when I met with Dr. Robinson. You are a candidate. Dr. Robinson will tell you not to gain anymore weight while you are waiting for your surgery.The exam is nothing more than a vital sign check and they talk about your medical history. You shouldn't have any problems. Hopefully you will meet with Gina, Dr Robinsons asst, she is awesome and helped me when I was really sick. I widh you the best of luck and keep us posted!
First: the physical exam is nothing. From what I was just the usual b/p...weight etc. Most of your initial visit will be with his PA....I met with Gina. She is WONDERFUL. Ask her your questions...if she can't answer them....she will check with the doc. Dr. Robinson is very quick and to the may not have time to think of your questions with him. Gina is very responsive and understanding. I just love her (can't you tell?).
Second: the "you are too skinny" comment. Welcome to my world. I was 5'5" and 248 pounds. Just remember that no one but you has to live in your body. People said that to me all the time. If you are 100 pounds overweight with a BMI of 40 or qualify for surgery.
I dealt with a nutritionist at BWH who was very helpful too. Her name is Natalie Egan. I can't say enough good things about her!